Mercury Retrograde on Election Day – I think I’ve Got It!

A few weeks ago I mentioned that Mercury will go retrograde on election day and the only other time it had done that was in the year 2000. Well, we all remembered what happened then! A lot of astrologers are saying we will have another close election with “hanging chads”. Sorry folks that is too easy. I know history repeats itself but it doesn’t duplicate itself for goodness sake.

I think the communication problems that always come about with a retrograde Mercury will surround itself around current Republican voter suppression tactics in swing States. Currently, the GOP leadership in Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are doing their best to keep Hispanics, African Americans and the elderly off of the voting polls.

Even in current lawsuits are successful in stopping this outrage, there are going to be many people confused about what they need to bring and this is going to cause a ton of provisional ballots being cast. Provisional ballots are paper – they are sometimes hard to fill out. Also, how much you want to bet there won’t be enough to go around.

This is where Mercury will take its toll. Hopefully not enough to let these despicable tactics make a difference in the outcome but this is going to be the “paper chase of 2012.”

Presidential Election – President Obama – part 2

Last week I spoke about the “girls” Venus and Lilith  in the President’s 7th house and the strong influence women will play in this election.

Today we will look at the one of the boys – the strongest boy really Mars and his placement in the President’s tenth house conjunct Juno. Mars, the epitome of male unbridled energy, in the 10th house – the house of career and politics, is not a bad placement for election day. Coupled with Juno, the goddess of loyalty it makes my liberal little heart happy.

What makes me a bit nervous is that this Mars Juno conjuction is running in opposition to the Venus Lilith. Oppositions are difficult energies but they are not “bad” in themselves because we can over come these obstacles and reach great heights.  To me this is a classic male/female battle with men going one way and women the other.

However, if the two stop fighting against one another they can deliver a great victory for the President. I think at the last minute the men will get on board and do just that.

I do believe the President will win and win a bit bigger than predicted. There is one more thing to look in the next blog entry and that is the interception of the 2 and 8th houses – money and power.

Election Day 2012 – continued “The Girls Rule”

As I mentioned last week, with Mercury going retrograde on Election Day – there can be any number of tricks going on – voting machines breaking down, funny “contracts” being made, deceptions galore. Remember the last time and only other time Mercury turned retro on Election Day – 2000? Need I say more?

That said there are several good things in President Obama’s chart on that day. On this triwheel of his birth chart, progressed chart and then transit chart of the day, I am first drawn to progressed Venus conjuncting his Black Moon Lilith in the 7th house – the house of close contacts. Venus, of course, is the ultimate woman, Lilith is the ultimate “bad girl.” She is the rebel who said I do it my way not his way. Those two combined in the fiery sign of Leo leads me to think alot of peeved women are going to come together and give the President a boost on that day!

However, this is squaring a very strong Mars in the 10th – the house of career and public.  Now Mars (conjunct Juno) in the 10th is a good placement for the President – but when it squares his progressed Venus it makes me think that there will be a male -female battle that the women are going to have to win.

More on Mars next time.

Mercury Goes Retrograde on Election Day – Remember 2000?


I am starting to look at the 2012 election – turns out Mercury goes retrograde on election day. Now we have had elections during a Mercury retrograde but the only other time that Mercury turned retro right on election day was in 2000! You remember 2000 don’t you??

Personally, I don’t see history repeating itself exactly but I would keep a very close eye on election machines and missing ballots and all sorts of things that can go bump in the Universe.

I am still comparing the candidates. Both have strengths and weaknesses that day. Romney has a few more weaknesses but one really good placement that has me a bit hinky. I need to look more closely but I just have to share the “good news.”

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Don’t Discount The 99 Percenters

I should know better. Watching CNN is not good for the blood pressure but, silly me, I was doing it anyway. There was the new “Outfront” anchor Erin Burnett smugly mocking the people occupying Wall Street something no one at the major networks ever did with the Tea Party. As I typed out a furious email to CNN, I got to thinking about the movement and how important an impact it will make on America. According to the stars, no one would be wise to mock or discount this movement.

Keep your eye on Uranus, in the chart it looks like a pink H on a unicycle. In the past few months it has moved in Aries, the sign of the ancient god of war. Uranus is electric and quirky and is the harbinger of unique and sudden changes. Meld the two together and you get the energy for the beginnings of a off beat mass of angry people to coalesce into something to be reckoned with.

Now if you look at the chart of the USA, seen on the inside wheel above, you can see that Uranus has just moved into our 4th house, the house of roots and home. So electric warrior energy in the roots of who you are – anyone paying attention yet?

Don’t forget, simultaneously we have Pluto, the transformer, in the sign of Capricorn transiting our first house. Remember what I said when Pluto moved into Capricorn? This is will be harbinger of change in those structures which keep society together – the government, the banking system. Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 – need I say more.

These guys are poky – both of them will stay in their respective houses for years – well through the 2012 elections and several years beyond. I would tell all politicians not to take anything for granted and be prepared for anything. Nothing will be normal during this time.

Perry – a bit more

OK several people have asked me, “Does Rick Perry, like Bachmann, believe what he is saying or is it a political act?” My answer. It doesn’t matter to him. Deeply ensconced in his Libra South Node he will do what gets approval. Libra is all about the other person – about getting others to approve and accept you. When Texas was a Democratic state – no really it once was – really —— he worked for Al Gore. That got him the approval of the political powerful.  Now he embraces the radical right because they have overtaken Texas and the entire Republican Party. The more they approve of the nonsense he spews, the more he will do it.

The trick is that I don’t think he is capable of realizing that this stuff doesn’t play with thinking independent people. He is getting reinforcement from those closest to him – the circle of radicals. It is hard for him to pivot away from that and realize that he needs to appeal to a broader audience. He is hooked on the acceptance of those in his immediate area.

President Obama at 50

On August 4th President Obama will turn 50 years old. It is so depressing realizing that for the first time in your life the President is younger than you but I will have to deal with that later.

One of the big things that happens around our 50th is our Chironic return. Simply put, that is why Chiron returns to the same position it was when we were born. For the President, he has Chiron at 5 degrees Pisces in the 1st house and right now Chiron is hovering at 4 degrees Pisces. It is almost back where it was when he was born.

Chiron is where we carry a deep, deep wound. Chiron in Pisces creates a wound issue around our connection to source, God, the universe – whatever word you want to use. Pisces Chiron people fall into two basic archetypal patterns – either they firmly believe that they are the ONLY way we can connect to source – they know the actual truth or they feel unconnected to the God-source, believing they don’t know or don’t have the right to know how to be a “child of God.”

With Chiron on the first the President’s wound issue and this disconnect directly to his self assertion, his basic aggression and focus values. With his natal Mars in Virgo (Mars vibrates to the first house) he kind of has to battle the Virgo-Pisces – victim/martyr syndrome. In other words, it is easy for him to have had problems about who am I, how do I fit in here on Earth and in the whole cosmic picture. As you can imagine, it must have been hard for a highly intelligent, highly ambitious bi-racial man, raised in various parts of the world to put all of his parts together.

One left over of his learned behavior of fitting in is his desire to round off the edges, make himself invisible not to offend (Virgo-Pisces.) Let’s hope that after being kicked around by the lunatic fringe or the lunatic base I should say of the GOP, after years of trying to meet them in the middle when the middle keeps moving right, he will experience a Chironic awakening of his own power.

His North Node is Leo – the ego centric sign (and I don’t mean that in a critical sense.) His South Node is Aquarius (which is also his rising sign.) It is very easy for him to try to come to some center point to bring all people together – to find results that will be happy for all. But, Mr. President, please – that is your South node – your past karmic identification.

Embrace your Leo – embrace your Lion energy – take the return of Chiron to realize you have found your rightful place. Now roar like the Lion you need to become!

May 1, 2011

Several friends told me last night that I had to do the chart of Osama Bin Laden. However, I just don’t have the desire to do it – I just feel like I have to go wash even when I mention his name. What is cool is to look at the chart over Abbotbad at the time of the raid.

Look at that Aries Stellium in the 3rd house! Remember the third house deals with things local – things in your neighborhood. Well that neighborhood got visited by the Aries – warrior energy force – of our Navy Seals.
I am sorry that is just neat.

Also, look at the rising sign – in Capricorn the sign of authority figures. The ruler of Capricorn, Saturn,  was in the 9th house – the house of worldly searching and going beyond ourselves and our homes. It doesn’t take much to see the our authority figures were making an impact on some part of the world!

In earlier posts I told you  that this Aries Stellium that we are in was pure raw masculine, warrior energy. I am so happy that at least in this case it was used to combat a force of evil. My only fear is that it is still there – so we need not to let our guard down – it is still a time when that energy can go either way.

State of the Union

Will President Obama continue his upward spiral in the polls with his State of the Union address? I progressed his chart to see where the stars will be for him that night and found some promising news.

First, his transiting Moon will be conjunct his progressed Mercury and Mars in the 12th house. Don’t expect a fire and brimstone barn burner – the 12th house is introverted.  Mercury and Mars together especially in Libra the house of the “other person” – gives mental energy and a sharp mind and the ability to reach people. Add the Moon and you get emotionalism but they are all tucked away in the 12th, thus the more subdued approach.

With transiting Sun and Mars conjuncting his natal Saturn/Jupiter in the 3rd house (see last week’s entry for more on that) , his words will have power behind them. I believe the blending of the toned down passion but words that are direct will make a very important statement to the American public.

My biggest cause for concern  sits in his 7th house where his progressed Vesta in Gemini conjuncts his Natal Vesta/Moon in the 7th house. The 7th, like Libra, vibrates to the energy of uniting with the other person.  With Vesta in Gemini it is a great time to focus energy on words and conveying information. However, Gemini can be somewhat professorial – too intellectual. There is a chance that Professor Obama and not Touchy Feely Obama will appear. I am hopeful that his words will hit the right spot with those people who enjoy having a President with a brain. Those who need to be hit over the head are probably a lost cause.

Overall, most of us will see the new Obama who will present his ideas in a new way – a way that will stress humanitarian ideals and the need for all to work as one. Those who hate him for who he is and what he stands for will be vociferous in their negativity but he will have reached the rest of us on another level.