Mercury Goes Retrograde on Election Day – Remember 2000?


I am starting to look at the 2012 election – turns out Mercury goes retrograde on election day. Now we have had elections during a Mercury retrograde but the only other time that Mercury turned retro right on election day was in 2000! You remember 2000 don’t you??

Personally, I don’t see history repeating itself exactly but I would keep a very close eye on election machines and missing ballots and all sorts of things that can go bump in the Universe.

I am still comparing the candidates. Both have strengths and weaknesses that day. Romney has a few more weaknesses but one really good placement that has me a bit hinky. I need to look more closely but I just have to share the “good news.”

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Venus on the first – Clinton and Limbaugh

After my little walk through Rush Limbaugh’s chart last week (don’t worry, I washed afterwards), I got thinking of another person with Venus in the first house – the house of personality – yes, it is Bill Clinton. OK Venus on the first house normally indicates someone who has a certain amount of appeal. Now my progressive friends stop making retching sounds, like him or not Rushie Boy wouldn’t have gotten this far if he didn’t appeal to a number of people! As for Clinton, well we all know how his appeal works.

 As I said last week, Rush’s Venus is in the quirky and rebellious Aquarius and carries some pretty heavy karma with it. Basically his mouth is compensating for a whole host of inadequacies.

President Clinton’s Venus is in its ruling sign – Libra – which increases his sexual appeal. He doesn’t haven’t to rely on rebellion he can rely on the sexual energy of Libra – and –oh boy is this a hoot —his Venus is conjunct both Neptune and Venus! So he has a double dose of Venus energy – Venus is the sign of the woman – and of sexuality and of physical appeal. Add Neptune to the mix – with its air of unreality and well you can see the issues he had.

Two Venus placements in the first bring both of their people to some prominence but they don’t yield the same results – it is all about the aspects they make with other planets.

The Real Eisenhower

First, I am sorry but we still can’t find Herman Cain’s birthdate… believe me, astrologers are spanning the universe to find it but so far it is a distant secret.

I did read a book this week about a real president, “Going Home To Glory: A Memoir of Life with Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961-1969″ by David Eisenhower and Julie Nixon. I thought the book showed him to be petty and small – not things I ascribed to the great general turned two term president. Frankly, I think it was History rewritten with a Nixonian touch to show how much Ike really like Nixon – really, really and JFK was bad – bad…  Please.

When I went to his birth chart, I saw why Eisenhower presented that stoic, silent persona. Look at Saturn in the first house in quiet Virgo. His rising sign too is in Virgo. This gave him an unassuming personality – very methodical, very nose to the grindstone – you know all of those things necessary when planning oh say D Day!  I would love to read a good biography to find out about his secret doubts, fears and even depressive feelings.

The ruler of Virgo is Vesta – and we see that his Vesta is in the Cardinal sign of Libra. Cardinal signs are the movers and shakers of the zodiac – they take the lead and get things done.  This Vesta is conjunct his Sun, Moon, Uranus – and all in the second house – the house of stability and security. Can you see the picture of Ike emerging?

Lucky for all of us he had the Part of Fortune, a little karmic marker of good benefits right on his ascendant. The plans that he made with painstaking detail, with strong leadership had a little kiss of karmic goodness.

Oh and no, I don’t see anything that would make me think he was petty and mean spirited!

James Madison, the Constitution and Pluto

My History Group is doing a program on the Constitution and I am presenting a report on James Madison, the often neglected Father of the United States Constitution. So, of course, I have to run to my software to see what his chart looks like!

Jemmy as he was called by his family has a fascinating combination right on his first house. Remember, that is the house of how we express ourselves to the world.  He has as his rising sign, the sign on the cusp of his first house, Sagittarius. A Ha, the novice might say, there is an outgoing, robust, adventurous person! As usual, the novice would be wrong.  Look what is sandwiching his Sagittarius rising sign— Pluto and Saturn.

Anyone with Saturn in the first house, especially with one so close to the ascendant, is going to have a somber, perhaps even depressive personality. Madison was so shy, so withdrawn in a social setting that is said his effervescent wife, Dolley, had the band play a song to let people know he was in the room. This, if the story is correct, is the origins of playing “Hail to the Chief” when the President enters a room.

Pluto on the first house cusp gives someone the almost obsessive need to improve themselves .Pluto demands slow and grinding change – it gives a purpose and sense that one must make something of themselves. Important it is although not necessarily fun!

Looking a bit further we can see he has a Moon hidden in his 12th house, next to the sign of our deepest wound issue, Chiron.  Both of these are in the deep, passionate, introspective, very serious sign of Scorpio (ruled by Pluto. See the double Pluto hit?)  Any “personal planet” – Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, and Mars in the 12th house makes a person secretive and guarded.

Can you see how this 5’4” 100 pound man was often described as a withered apple john?  Everything about him was inward, driven and somber!

Next- I will look at his North and South Node axis which he used so well – thankfully for all of us!

Perry – a bit more

OK several people have asked me, “Does Rick Perry, like Bachmann, believe what he is saying or is it a political act?” My answer. It doesn’t matter to him. Deeply ensconced in his Libra South Node he will do what gets approval. Libra is all about the other person – about getting others to approve and accept you. When Texas was a Democratic state – no really it once was – really —— he worked for Al Gore. That got him the approval of the political powerful.  Now he embraces the radical right because they have overtaken Texas and the entire Republican Party. The more they approve of the nonsense he spews, the more he will do it.

The trick is that I don’t think he is capable of realizing that this stuff doesn’t play with thinking independent people. He is getting reinforcement from those closest to him – the circle of radicals. It is hard for him to pivot away from that and realize that he needs to appeal to a broader audience. He is hooked on the acceptance of those in his immediate area.

Rick Perry- yes I found the chart information… hang on kids.

Compliments of

OK by popular demand, I give you Rick Perry’s chart. Now, I don’t know if this birth time is accurate. It is running around the astrology boards and it is alleged to have been checked out with the county board but again let’s hope it is correct.

This time would place his South Node in Libra in the 5th house. The South Node is where we are coming from karmicly, the identity that we carry over from previous lives. Libra is the sign of “the other” – they are karmicly addicted to being in motion, and of relating to others and the social reality of others. Basically what a Libra South Node person is saying “who am I unless you tell me who I am?” They must reflect in other people’s eyes. They tend to co-dependence. Being an air sign it is hard for Libra to know boundaries.

The fifth house is the house of creativity and personal expression. A Libra 5th house person screams accept me for how unique I am – see how interesting I am – see me – please – see me! Remember the 5th house is the house which vibrates to the sign of Leo – the king of the jungle, the astrological narcissist.

Perry’s South Node is conjunct a retrograded Neptune, Mars, Juno and Saturn. His Moon is also there – it is the only thing NOT retrograded in the fifth house. His past lives were characterized by an illusionary attachment to some aggressive or even militaristic group. Since Saturn, Moon and Juno are still in Virgo – this was some fierce dedication – service to something in a big way. Retrogrades are a pause for karma -an additional lesson learned. A retrograded Neptune is a call to rework spiritual values and awareness – how is that going, Rick old boy? Retrograded Juno is asking us to look at the relationships – the things we are loyal too and Mars in retrograde asks us to rework our thoughts on aggressive, drive and assertion.

Perry started out a Democrat but was convinced by Rove, et al to switch. He saw the tide changing in the South and in order to stay attached, to get the positive feedback and acceptance via votes (all very Libra qualities ) he embraced the views and became the center of (5th house Leo) radical right wing.

His North Node -where he should be moving in this lifetime is Aries in the 11th house – the house of group activities. He needs to be working on becoming a group leader of some group, humanitarian activities. The humanitarian comes in from the Aquarius influence of the 11th house. Now if you read this blog with any regularity you may surmise that I am a proud latte liberal. I am sorry I can’t see anything humanitarian about a man who has executed more people than any other governor in Texas. To hold that record in Texas you have to really work at it.

So while he seems ensconced in his South Node still the question everyone asks me about Tea Party politicians is, do they believe this stuff or are they doing it for votes? With him I don’t’ think it matters because he now believes he believes it. It is like the person who tells the same story so many times it becomes a reality for them. His Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius in the 10th house – the house of government and society. Mercury is all about thoughts and communications and Jupiter is expansion and growth. Being grouped together and in the quirky, changeable sign of Aquarius we can see how this guy is capable of saying anything even carrying it to extremes. In fact, he likes to say things that are offbeat and shocking – and fortunately for the country he will probably going around shocking any sane thinking sentient being between now and election day.

So who is Rick Perry? Someone who is still clinging to the need to stand out and shine in a group -someone still stuck in his religious warrior past who will say or do anything as long as it keeps him in the spotlight.

Another one?

President Obama at 50

On August 4th President Obama will turn 50 years old. It is so depressing realizing that for the first time in your life the President is younger than you but I will have to deal with that later.

One of the big things that happens around our 50th is our Chironic return. Simply put, that is why Chiron returns to the same position it was when we were born. For the President, he has Chiron at 5 degrees Pisces in the 1st house and right now Chiron is hovering at 4 degrees Pisces. It is almost back where it was when he was born.

Chiron is where we carry a deep, deep wound. Chiron in Pisces creates a wound issue around our connection to source, God, the universe – whatever word you want to use. Pisces Chiron people fall into two basic archetypal patterns – either they firmly believe that they are the ONLY way we can connect to source – they know the actual truth or they feel unconnected to the God-source, believing they don’t know or don’t have the right to know how to be a “child of God.”

With Chiron on the first the President’s wound issue and this disconnect directly to his self assertion, his basic aggression and focus values. With his natal Mars in Virgo (Mars vibrates to the first house) he kind of has to battle the Virgo-Pisces – victim/martyr syndrome. In other words, it is easy for him to have had problems about who am I, how do I fit in here on Earth and in the whole cosmic picture. As you can imagine, it must have been hard for a highly intelligent, highly ambitious bi-racial man, raised in various parts of the world to put all of his parts together.

One left over of his learned behavior of fitting in is his desire to round off the edges, make himself invisible not to offend (Virgo-Pisces.) Let’s hope that after being kicked around by the lunatic fringe or the lunatic base I should say of the GOP, after years of trying to meet them in the middle when the middle keeps moving right, he will experience a Chironic awakening of his own power.

His North Node is Leo – the ego centric sign (and I don’t mean that in a critical sense.) His South Node is Aquarius (which is also his rising sign.) It is very easy for him to try to come to some center point to bring all people together – to find results that will be happy for all. But, Mr. President, please – that is your South node – your past karmic identification.

Embrace your Leo – embrace your Lion energy – take the return of Chiron to realize you have found your rightful place. Now roar like the Lion you need to become!

the 2010 Elections

OK I admit it freely I am a coward. Several people have asked me to look at the 2010 Midterm elections and I have just not wanted to go there. In truth, the only accurate way to do this is to look at each candidate in every single race and compare their charts. In lieu of doing that I decided to look at President Obama’s chart to see what will be cooking for him on election night.

The President was born with Ceres and Vesta and the Moon all conjunct in the 7th house. Ceres is the mini planet that vibrates to the energy of a Mother Earth, Vesta is the burning heart’s desire and the Moon is our emotional barometer. This not only makes him a devoted family man it is what makes him connect emotionally to people. He thrives on nurturing and serving others. On election night his combination will be opposite transiting Mars and Pallas Athena, the warrior goddess. Both of these will be in the fire sign of Sagittarius. In short, what all this means is he is going to be a fighting mood. He will be able to see the big picture and will come out swinging. His masculine energy will far outweigh his feminine.

Will he be fighting mad because he lost the House or Senate and will now bring back the fire of his own campaign or will he be rejuvenated and vindicated and come out renewed and energized to fight for his goals? Yup, the million dollar question!

He will have transiting Juno, our loyalty marker, in Virgo transiting his Pluto in the 10th house. Juno in the 10th is a wedding to career and with Pluto playing there it gives a deep transformative urge. Juno in Virgo brings a desire to get down to the nitty gritty and plan action.

Transiting Sun and Vesta will be in his 12th house and conjunct his natal Neptune. The 12th house is always an indicator of pulling in. This is actually a sign of a spiritual rejuvenation – of going inside self and finding a spiritual calling.

Because I am an optimist I see a night that will not be as bad as the talking heads predict for the President and that he will find a new energy and a new fight. Of course he could also get his political butt kicked and go inside himself and come out fighting to regain control. It won’t be pretty and we might lose one of the two houses of Congress but I just don’t see the tidal wave they are babbling about.

There is one astrological source for my optimism other than my hope that Americans can’t fall for GOP crap again can they???? is that his Part of Fortune – that little karmic blessing is on the cusp of his 10th house. The 10th deals with society and government structures… Hey every little bit helps.

Martha Washington -First of the First.

After looking at Dolley Madison’s chart a few weeks ago, I decided to take a look at the charts of other first ladies. So why not start with the first of the first….Martha Washington? This first lady, born June 2, 1731 at Chestnut Grove, Virginia at 10:29 AM, is known mostly for her quiet, regal reserve, her generosity especially to the Revolutionary war soldiers and her devotion to her husband.

First glance at her chart shows a domination of planets and asteroids in her 10th house, the house of society and government and the 9th house, the house of “searching” – reaching beyond ourselves and our borders. (I know that is a nutshell description but hang on.) She has the Sun in Gemini in conjunction with Mars and Neptune in the 10th. So her life force energy, her Sun, was in the house that generally rules social structure and government – gee, think that would account for an attraction to a outrageously ambitious man involved in government building? To that, she has Mars -raw energetic power – but that is influenced by the spirituality and compassion of Neptune. It was that Neptune, with its influence from Pisces compassion and caring for others, that lead her spend many a frigid winter and boiling summer caring for her husband’s soldiers. Mars gave her the fortitude, Neptune the desire.

Martha Washington was a very wealthy woman – mostly from her first marriage. Ah yes, first marriage – look at Pisces on the cusp of her 7th house. That usually portends karmic marriages – people we have gone around with before. (One of these days I will get around to doing a synastry chart on George and Martha. Ah so many charts so little time!) Pisces on the 7th also shows the possibility of more than one marriage in a lifetime. Martha’s first husband died leaving her very wealthy and socially positioned.

With her Moon in Taurus it was a good thing she was left wealthy. Taureans love possessions – they love comfort – just think of the Bull in the pasture lying in the sweet grass. They are very happy when they have “things” around them. Taurus resonates to the 2nd house – the house of self worth and possessions – so they have a natural affinity toward that connection – comfort and goods. (Of course, it didn’t hurt that she had Jupiter, the planet of expansion in her first house – the house of personality.)

Uranus in the 4th house indicates a unique home life that will change suddenly. With her husband off fighting wars and then retiring only to come out again to be President – I guess you can say her home life was unique. Sadly, Martha Washington buried several children -and that ability for Uranus to pull the rug out from you suddenly can manifest with this kind of loss as well.

While she deplored the hardships, all of those planets in the 9th house, the house of expansion, of learning other religions and cultures. She reveled in the opportunity to meet other people and explore their cultures. Stories of the stream of visitors at Mount Vernon are legendary. Had there been a White House in her day, she would have imprinted a legend of gracious hospitality.

Shortly before her death, Mrs. Washington burned the private letters between her and her husband much to the chagrin of historians. We will never know the Washington’s as we do the Adams. Well, blame that on Leo. Her Leo ascendancy gave her the regal gentility for which she was famous but it also gives a sense that there is a piece that the “king and queen” can’t share with the populace. Leo is the Lion – the king of the jungle remember. While the shadow of Leo can be haughtiness and snobbery – even the most elevated of Leo’s have that sense of class difference, if you will. So while she was able to share her husband, share her home and share a great deal of herself there was still that sense that you can’t have it all.

As a freak for history I can lament her decision, as an astrology I totally see where she was coming from.