
I have been having so much fun with my book, “Signs of the Tines: The Ultimate Astrological Cookbook”, that I have been doing a lot of food related, fun chart castings. Yesterday brought the fun to a halt and brought us back to reality.

If you remember a few weeks ago I made an entry called “Feeling Confused” where I spoke about the wild Stellium – the five planets all in Aries, the sign of raw, male energy. I called it one of the craziest charts ever -and spoke of angry Aries.

Well sadly the dreamy Pisces Stellium is now gone but we still have Mars and the Sun still in Mars’ natural ruler – Aries, the warrior in conjunction. This conjunction is opposing a retrograded Saturn in secretive Scorpio. Mars and Saturn are always a sign of potential violence when they are in disharmony – and Saturn is now retrograded – added fuel to the fire.

 Mars/Sun are in the 9th house – a fire house that is associated with foreign affairs. However, Saturn is close to home in the 3rd house. Because Mars/ Saturn are heading into the 8th house – the house of power and unstable Uranus and Mercury are in the 8th already – I am thinking this is a domestic terror perhaps helped by tactics learned from foreign terror groups – but someone who is feeling powerless and hidden from society.

The 3rd and 6th houses are cadent – or houses of things hidden.  We will find that this is someone that had gone under the radar of law enforcement – either a person or group that is hidden from us – or was.

Pluto retrograde in the fifth makes me think of a unhappy kid.

Predicting terror attacks is not “my thing” – I prefer food and past life analysis but there it is. We can only pray for the victims and yes, for the deluded perpetrator too.

Hello Mars!

Mars is in the news today and for good reason! Curiosity made a picture perfect landing early this morning – congrats to NASA and Yankee technology.

So what is old Mars doing today? Well it is hanging out in the sky in the constellation of Libra conjuncting Saturn. You know I am sometimes a critic of Saturn – wrongly so I admit – but I am very glad he was visiting Mars during this critical landing. Saturn governs time, space, form and structure. It is the master of precision and doing things by the book – which is what NASA had to do to nail this landing.  Saturn had a lot to do with making everything work according to rules and like clock work.

It is also funny that both planets are in the sign of Libra – the sign of cooperation and sharing with others. All of that hard work had to be well coordinated between divisions. A great deal of sharing of knowledge had to be perfected. Libra is a big on sharing!

So congratulations NASA and thanks Libra for helping them keep the flow of information going and a special thanks to Saturn for keeping that somewhat rambunctious Mars from potentially kicking off the lander as it had done before. 🙂

Hello Mars.

Why Am I In Such An Awful Mood?

I need a little peace!

 I consider myself a pretty even-keeled person. I credit this to four cardinal signs on my “anchor houses” (1,4,7,10.) (Ah ha, me thinks me sees another blog entry about those houses on the horizon.)

Anyway, for the past week I have been grumpy and irritable and just plain not happy. This is not a state I would recommend to others or particularly enjoy myself.  There had to be a reason for my general grumpiness so I went to my charts. What? You are surprised?

Low and behold there it was. The transiting Moon in Aries was exactly opposite my natal Mars. Think of it Aries, god of war, rules Mars – it is opposing my emotional barometer, the Moon. Hello. Fortunately, that Moon is a quick little sucker and that has gone away. However, when I checked my chart it was the three day high of my grump ride so I could see the Moon-Mars opposition doing it’s thing.

More importantly, and much more longer lasting. Saturn is now transiting my 12th house where my natal Mars lives. When Saturn conjuncts anything it always puts a blanket on it. Saturn holds things together – gives form and structure So big cold Saturn is pressing on my Mars warrior energy -churning. Because they are in the 12th house – the house of connection to the universe but also to things hidden, things not of the world, it shows my irritability when “the world” interrupts my solitude. I want to sit and read and let the cares of the world go by.

Saturn is poky so this will last well into winter.  When the Moon comes around again I am sure to feel really crabby but at least I know why!

This is why it is good to get your yearly charts read to see what is coming on the horizon.

Happy Thanksgiving all! Could be worse – I could be a turkey. Oh, and the full Moon is Monday November 22. I will be on train to Vermont with two of my sisters.  What a time to be crabby!!

The Clash of Mars and Saturn

Last week I was speaking about astrology to a group when I mentioned that there is precious little difference between Hitler’s and JFK’s charts… except Hitler had that bad Mars- Saturn combination going on which made him a little – shall we say. scum sucking evil. They both had the bull eye’s for charisma and the ability to sway people with speech – it is just Hitler had a bad combination of Mars and Saturn which, when badly aspected is often an indication for violence. The only time when I am doing a synastry chart of two people that I really lay things on the line and say, hey be careful here, is when I see the Mars of one person badly aspected the Saturn of another. That often indicates a propensity for violence in the relationship.

Because the universe just loves synchronicity, I then was asked to do a chart for a person who then tells me he has not a clue when he was born because he was adopted twice and the state in which he was born did not put the time on birth certificates. Hmm. No time. That is an astrologers nightmare because time tells us the rising sign – the indicator of how we express ourselves in the world. It also places all the planets and asteroids in the proper houses.

Through the process of rectification we can try to find the birth time or get close to it so I asked him a few questions. Of course, he had a disrupted home life – 4th house – but I wanted to know if it was just odd or truly burdensome. The tale he told would put Dickens to shame. He was adopted at birth because his parents couldn’t afford another child but his adoptive mother died when he was still a child. Then he was then adopted by an abusive family which he escaped from at 18 and never looked back. Yes, I would say that was burdensome.

When someone is suffering from limitations or burdens I often look to Saturn. Now I know you Capricorns will get all over me but I am sorry – Saturn is an indicator of restriction and boxing in – where you see Saturn in a birth chart it shows the area where people carry worry and concern or are restricted in. When doing a transit chart, Saturn shows us where we are feeling pain and burden at that time.

Had he told me a story of generally happy but changeable home life, adopted here and then suddenly moved to another house I would have looked to the quick change artist Uranus. His story was all very Saturnine, however.

When I computed the chart I noticed something else interesting. On that day, Mars and Saturn were almost in conjunction (sitting right next to) one another. Ah ha – Mars and Saturn – violence – I placed this Mars and Saturn combo toward the middle of his 4th house because the violence began when he was seven and ran the chart from there. I told him to see if the interpretation I did for him resonated in other areas to see if we had hit the hit the right timing and indeed it did. Bingo!

I am so glad he got out of that situation and has not let it shade his adulthood. He is amazingly well adjusted for having gone through that Hell. Saturn and Mars dealt him a bad hand but he overrode it….well Dickens always liked a happy ending.