Are You Honestly Ready for the Sagittarius Full Moon?

I use the word honestly because it is near and dear to the heart of a Sagittarius. Never ask a Sag. if a dress makes you look fat because they will tell you, in spades and double-downed. 

This full Moon is on the Sagittarius-Gemini or information axis. Gemini likes to gather data and disseminate it as quickly as possible. Sagittarius prefers to ruminate on each topic and get to know every single detail.

What do you do when we have a Full Moon on this axis? Evaluate how we absorb information, of course!

Here are some prompts to think about before the Full Moon on June 9. These will help you manifest the best path for you to gain knowledge and cut out the “noise” that prevents you from learning new ideas to your fullest potential. 

Remember – Sagittarius wants you to be HONEST with yourself. 

Have you been toying with the idea of going back to school or getting a degree? This is the time to stop procrastinating.
Are there classes you can take either by travelling (like a summer cooking trip to Italy?) or on the internet? Dig out those old flyers and make a decision!
Sagittarius vibrates the ninth house which urges us to explore, seek and learn our philosophical or spiritual credo. What do you believe? Can you commit your beliefs to paper? Do you need to work on developing your “truth?” 

Use this time to explore, grow and develop your ideas fully! Think big! 

This is Not Watergate

History repeats itself but never in same way. While it is easy to draw similarities with our last Constitutional crises, Watergate, the Trump related problems are vastly different, politically and astrologically. Watergate was an abuse of power by a paranoid man and his henchmen. This is the possible collusion with a foreign power by a presidential candidate and then president and his men.

Watergate happened during the last of a series of Pluto/Saturn/Jupiter squares that characterized the previous decade. While we have come off similar series of squares, the energy now is deeper and more karmic.

I have stated in earlier blogs that neither Trump nor Clinton were following their North Node, current soul’s destiny, by running for President. Trump had the chance to pivot once elected. His South Node, or karmic identity, is of an “all knowing” leader of his family and community, (Sagittarius fourth house.) This was evident every time he said “I alone can fix this” on the campaign trail. He could have pivoted and opened himself up to his Gemini North Node in the tenth house which asks him to open up to new sources of information as he takes on a role of authority. He preferred the company of his old ways which never leads to success.  That his presidency would be a failure was a given. However, this is the tip of the iceberg.

There are many ominous astrological signs on the horizon this summer. Saturn, Pluto and Neptune all turn retrograde.  In August, when Uranus goes into retrograde they will all be in that “backward motion.” In addition, in August, we have a powerful Leo solar eclipse occurring at the heart of Leo on the brilliant star Regulus.  An eclipse sends cosmic ripples of change that lasts for years.

Let us not forget that America is in its Pluto return. Pluto takes 276 years to move around the Sun, the last time it was in Pluto and the second house was during the American Revolution. We are in a revolution. Pluto holds up a mirror and says take a good look and get rid of the detritus – get rid of what you have been hiding from yourself. Take a good look. Whether we leave the junk where it is or throw it out is all up to us. Pluto is the original kill you or cure you planet.

This is not Watergate. This is a deep karmic comeuppance – for Trump and, more importantly, for America.

The Comey Firing

So was happening on Tuesday night when Trump fired FBI Director Comey?  Mercury, recently out of retrograded and in the fire sign of Mars, made an exact conjunction to Uranus, also in Mars, as it is trining Saturn in retrograde. Let’s break that down. Mercury, the communicator whose fleetness of foot allowed him to be the messenger from the gods, is ripe for some caustic words because of the infusion of the Mars energy. When he is cozying up to rebellious and fitful Uranus also infused with Mars aggression – it makes the time recipe for aggressive, erratic communications.

The Saturn retrograde is the key to this because it is the planet of authority. By turning retrograde this summer it creates the perfect opportunity for the revelation of more government secrets. A retrograde is a time for everyone to go within and discover what no longer works. Will this Saturn retrograde bring more government muck to the surface – and what will we do about it? Was the sudden firing of Comey a quick and aggressive attempt to keep secrets hidden?

By placing the chart of Tuesday night next to Trump’s chart we get a clearer picture of why he chose that time to fire the FBI director. The Mercury/Uranus conjunction take place in his eighth or power house and Saturn is in his fifth house of personal creativity and expression. Was Comey coming too close to impeding the power Trump thinks he can wield without restriction? Was he suppressing Trump’s ability to be Trump? I think so but you can draw your own conclusions.

Look too at Vesta on his natal Pluto – there will be challenges to his power which he loves to wield in secret. This will last until the end of the year so we are in for the long haul of power struggles.