A Blue Moon Super Moon Eclipse on Wednesday The Moon Hugs Ceres – a Female Super Blue Moon

If you love the Moon, mark your calendar for January 31 when (if you are in North America or Hawaii) you will see a blue Moon lunar eclipse just before sunrise. Blue Moons occur when we have two full moons in one calendar month. There will be another in March. The lunar eclipse will be total meaning that the Moon will be completely in the shadow of the Earth for a bit more than an hour. This is not, as you might have heard on social media, the first Blue Moon total eclipse in 150, just that it is the first visible to the Americas, particularly North American in that time.

This will be a Leo Blue Moon. A full Moon occurs when the Sun and Moon are 180 degrees away from each other on the ecliptic. Because the Moon is far from the rays of the Sun, we can see it more clearly than normal. With the Sun in Aquarius, the Moon must be in opposing Leo.

The Moon will also be one degree away from motherly Ceres, the nurturer. As the Moon is a feminine energy as well,we can call this the woman Super Blue Moon.

It is easy to say that this will fuel the “women first” energy that is permeating certainly America and Europe but let’s look at what this means for you. This is going to focus your attention on intimacy, home, family and the balance of the inner energy of the Moon and the fiery outward energy of Leo.

People with heavy Aquarius, Leo, and Moon (Cancer) influences will feel this more but we can also take a moment to ponder this energy of home, balance and our inner world.

Happy gazing!

Mars in Sagittarius – No Time for Excuses

Are you slowing down on your New Year’s resolutions? Well, be prepared to fire up again as warrior Mars moves in a fellow fire sign, Sagittarius. This is a very restless, adventurous and physical placement because we are combining the wanderlust of Sagittarius with the drive and energy of Mars. Winter might be the time of hibernating and binge watching or reading but think of this transit as your own personal January thaw.

Mars makes the move on January 26 so you have some time to plan your project and make your attack plans. The old file cabinet or pile of “vintage” clothes looking for a new home won’t stand a chance against you. Of course, larger more serious projects can come into focus whether they are for your home or office.

If born with Aries or Sagittarius Sun or rising sign, or Mars or Jupiter in first house, you will feel this energy more but anyone can harness this energy to get moving on a part of life currently stalled.

No better time to tackle your 2018 resolutions.

If you are one who makes New Year’s resolutions now is a time to kick them into high gear.

We have a stellium (a large number of planets all in one sign) in Capricorn, the task master. Saturn recently entered Capricorn (as I mentioned in a previous blog), Pluto has been there since 2008, the Sun is in Capricorn until January 21 and for a few days Mercury will be joining them there.

This is a good time to make a plan on how you want to face the rest of the year (the Sun.) Make a plan, catch up on some phone calls, letters, and emails – (Mercury.) This is just a good time to organize, plan, clean and prioritize.

Conversely, if you are someone who is too rigid this is a good time to loosen Saturn’s more odious elements from your life. Has Capricorn forbidden you from having any fun? Make a plan to escape those rings!
The Black Moon Lilith, that epitome of rebellious women, is also in Capricorn. This presents and interesting dichotomy. We have the classic pussy hat wearing woman, encased in the sign of the authoritarian male. She is not happy there and will not leave without kicking up some dust.  We saw that manifest in the Golden Globes last night with all of the women wearing black in solidarity and Oprah’s speech.)


What payment will Pluto Demand of the US

I have written extensively on the transit of Pluto through America’s second house – that of our values and fiscal priorities – and the coming Pluto return. Pluto will “return” to where it was when we were created in 1776.  In the process he brings up hidden secrets and the dirty little lies we tell our selves. As a point of illustration, I tell my clients that if someone has Pluto going through his sixth house, that of health, and has been sitting on the coach for years eating pork rinds and soda then he can expect that heart attack the doctor has threatened for years. If he has been taking care of himself then Pluto rewards him by having his good habits kicked into high gear.  In other words, if you haven’t been doing the work, Pluto will force you to face the consequences and exact some sort of payment.

What is the payment for America pushing our racism, financial inequities and class warfare under the covers for years? Some say it is Trump. He, however, is a tool of Pluto – to force those issues to the forefront. How will it all end? Some say that faced with Mueller’s facts, he will just resign. That does not jive with this Leo rising and Mars in the first house chart, however. Will it be war with North Korea, or in the Middle East or a Constitutional crisis that will shake us to our core? Whatever it is, Pluto will demand some sort of payment for our neglect. He just always does.


Full Gemini Moon – With Mercury in Retrograde. What Needs to Be Said?

Did you see the supermoon or “Full Cold Moon” last night? Supermoons is a full moon occurring when the Moon is at apogee, or is closest to the Earth. This is not something that happens often and it makes the moon appear about 14 percent larger and a lot brighter than a normal full Moon.

This can also be a double Gemini Moon. For the next few days the Moon is in Gemini. Mercury, ruler of Gemini, went into retrograde on November 14 and will remain until December 22.

Astrology concept. Constellations on night sky. Silhouettes of astrologers observing zodiac constellation.

Gemini has domain over all forms of communications – especially the exchange of data and intimate conversations and discussions. Use this retrograde to your benefit. Mercury was the ancient messenger of the Gods and when in retrograde, it allows us to unearth buried truths or thought patterns that may be blocking you from moving forward. It is a time to assess what you need to say but may be too afraid to. At this time of the supermoon, think of emotional responses you are blocking.

Don’t be afraid of the retrograde – use it to your advantage.

Neptune Goes Direct and Saturn Moves into Capricorn

Neptune finally turned direct in its ruling constellation, Pisces, on November 22. On December 19, Saturn will move into Capricorn, the place it too is most compatible. For most of 2017, when Saturn was in Sagittarius, these two planets were square to one another. In their debilitated state, Neptune caused confusion and misrepresentation from news and authority figures (Saturn and Sagittarius.) This is finally over!

Now it is time for truth to come out and to lift the veil of confusion. This will be a slow and somewhat painful process. The piper exacts a strong fee especially when he dances with Pluto still demanding change in authority figures and structures. More secrets will find their way to the surface as will more painful and embarrassing revelations.

This is a great time to assess how honest you have been with yourself and others. Put your honest and authoritative self out front and center and put the games away. This is not a time to fool around. The games are over.

Somewhere Pluto is Smiling

I sent that text to some close friends last Wednesday, the day after the elections here in Virginia. Why is Pluto feeling so good? The answer is simple. We are finally doing what he wants.

I have written at length (https://joanporte.com/tag/pluto-in-capricorn/) about the effects of Pluto, the change planet in the constellation of Capricorn, which controls government and authority structures.  To make matters more interesting, America is coming into our Pluto return. Pluto is coming back or returning to where it was in 1776, at our birth. Pluto is in our second house of values. The question couldn’t be clearer – what do we want our values to be?

Pluto just doesn’t want change, he demands that we look deep inside of ourselves and ask, who we are and what we need to throw off so our better selves come through. If we fail to heed the demands of Pluto, he forces us to hold a mirror in front of our faces.  He makes us face our worse selves.

Donald Trump is Pluto asking us to look inside ourselves and ask what kind of country we want. He has made his goals very clear to us. Last week, voters in Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Maine and Washington State responded with what they want.  Virginia now has a transgender delegate along with two Latinas and one person of Vietnamese heritage. That is quite a change from the old white men they replaced! Hoboken, NJ elected a Sikh major and Maine voted to extend Medicare.

If we continue this “voter revolt,” stay engaged and remember who we are as decent people we will have answered Pluto’s call. Pluto isn’t an easy task master. There are detriments to his lessons but we can come out better people.  Will we stay the leaders of the free world? I am not sure. Will we have values for which we can be proud? I hope so.

Keep Your Eyes on Uranus

Even though it is in retrograde Uranus is right now as close to Earth as it can be. We know from mythology that Uranus has trickster energy – completely unpredictable and somewhat destructive.

Because Uranus rules electricity, lightening and many astrologers are pointing to his hand in the devastating wild fires in California.

I prefer to work on the more personal level, however. Where Uranus is transiting in your chart right now is an area is one that can use a jolt. It is always best to come out ahead of Uranus – you want to make the change that you may have been ruminating on for seemingly forever – don’t allow Uranus to make that change for you. He can cause quite the shock! For a quick review of your current chart and how Uranus will impact you in the next few months – click here – only $25


P.S. One of the many reasons this summer has been so unpredictable is that every New Moon we have had has been conjunct Uranus – He is just having a ball causing all of this agitation!



If You Want to Work on Yourself Now is the Time

This week is the time to do some “fall cleaning” – on yourself.  Right now huge Jupiter which has just moved into Scorpio, the sign of deep and sometimes difficult transformation, is conjunct the Sun and Mercury. What have you been wanting to say – what words and thoughts are bottled up and causing you angst? This is the time to unplug the cork and let your true words fly.

While this is happening, Venus and Mars are also dancing together – doing their traditional male/female salsa – trying to seek balance. Not to be outdone, the highly emotional Moon is nearing focused Vesta.

This all could be a recipe for disaster if people just start laying bare every buried emotion and thought in every direction especially at partners! I mentioned Jupiter first for a reason. You need to do the work he is demanding right now – to think and go deep, organize your thoughts and then release.