
A friend whined to me a few weeks ago, “When is Mercury going to get out of retrograde?” It was about to leave I assured her. (However, it will zip back in November 23 – December 13.) Retrogrades are a time for whining. Everything seems to go backwards, cars don’t start, computers go on the fritz, and things just don’t get done. However, instead of whining we should remember that retrogrades are a time for going within and working on the internal stuff before pushing forward.

Right now we have an inordinate amount of number going retrograde. No wonder people feel like they are under water and so dejected.

Pluto is still in retrograde – until Sept 16 – but we talked about Pluto recently in another blog entry.

Right now most of the “girls” – the big asteroid are in retrograde. Juno, Vesta and Ceres are all retrograded. Juno is where our loyalty lies – so there might be relationship issues coming up. Vesta, where we feel we must dedicate to something, when in retrograde will make us feel like I can’t get excited about anything. Ceres is our mothering, nurturing nature – need I say more?

An asteroid that vibrates to male energy, Chiron, our sacred wound issue – a pain so deep we don’t want to deal with it is also retrograded. We are feeling pain but can’t get to the source, can’t confront it.

Had enough? Too bad. Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter are also all retrograded! Really people – I wish the pundits who rap about how the American people are feeling can take a look at this! Neptune, our connection to the spiritual, Uranus, our energetic change energy and Jupiter our expansion and hope guide are all going in reverse. Makes you sleepy just reading it.

Never fear – these guys never stand still for long. Jupiter is being quite dramatic and going straight again on December 25, Uranus December 10, Chiron November 10, Neptune November 9 and Ceres December 6. Vesta will only be retrograded a few more days and Juno will follow Chiron.

So see – it won’t last. Remember that retrograde is a time to go within and learn why we are feeling the way we are. Whining never gets us anywhere!

How Pluto in Capricorn is WikiLeaks?

courtesy of

Whatever you think of the whole Wikileaks thing whether it is treason or the height of patriotism — from an astrological stand point it epitomizes the concept of Pluto in Capricorn. When Pluto moves into a new sign, something it does every 15 to 20 years, it brings change to society – to the world — in the area that sign fuels.For instance, when Pluto was in Virgo in the early 1960’s we saw the rise of environmental movement and the “feminization of the workplace.” Virgo rules health and healthy eating and day to day work situations. When it later moved into Scorpio we saw the sexual revolution. Then when it went into Sagittarius we saw the rise of the “New Age” and spiritual movement. Each sign also has a shadow aspect – to every yin there is a yang.  The rise of fundamentalism was the shadow of Pluto in Sagittarius, AIDS the tragic shadow of Scorpio.

Pluto brings to the front those things that were hidden. Women came behind the apron with Virgo. People with different sexual persuasions did during Scorpio’s reign and those with alternative religious beliefs during the spin in Sagittarius.

Now that it is in Capricorn we will see changes in structures that hold society together. First, we saw the collapse of the financial system, then, thankfully, we saw the election of the first African American President. What must come to the foreground now are those things that governments, banks and other authority figures wanted to keep hidden… ta da… Wikileaks.

Pluto just moved into Capricorn in 2008 and will be there until 2020 so it will be a long interesting ride. The  last time it was in Capricorn was during the American and French Revolutions. See what I mean?

Happy New Year all.

The Day After the Primaries

I love watching election results. One reason is that I am a political junkie but the other is because I love watching the main stream media try to spin a disaster to the Democrats even when they have won their 7th straight special House election since President Obama was inaugurated. The story is not that the GOP is fractured in half, it is that unpopular Arlen Specter loses and that is somehow Obama’s fault! No wonder fewer and fewer people are watching television news!

However, with all the hot air that the so called pundits produce they continue to miss the point that I have been driving home for over a year now. Pluto is in Capricorn! Say it over and over. Capricorn rules government and societal structures. Pluto is the harbinger of change. Put them together and we have structures of government undergoing great change. Well, what are American political parties if not cornerstones of American politics? The Tea Party on the right and left wing blogs who are changing the face of politics and undermining the parties are the illustrations of this happening.

So the so called smart people babble on while ignoring the cosmic reasons for this change. How amusing.

What’s up with the Earth? Volcanos and Earthquakes and Sinkholes Oh My!

Since I am NOT heading to the airport to catch a flight to Stockholm as I thought I would be doing today thanks to a “friendly neighborhood” Icelandic volcano- I decided to take some time and ponder the question, “What is the deal, Earth?” From earthquakes in Haiti, Chile and Mexico (among others) to this volcanic eruption, it seems “terra firma” isn’t so much these days. If you listen to Pat Robertson (and, why would you) he would say it is a sign of the “end of times.” Why do these guys love the end of the world so much? Could it be it is all the better to control terrified people? But I digress.

If you are a beloved follower of this blog you will know that I have spent some time on the movement of Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto is a pokey, mini planet that packs a punch because it deals with transformation and change. Because it moves so slowly, Pluto has time to get into the “guts” of the sign it inhabits and really penetrate to the core making changes to long standing beliefs.

Capricorn is the sign dealing with the authority structures that keep society in place….the structure we live within.

In previous blogs I have talked about the changes Pluto in Capricorn is bringing to politics from the sublime – Obama – to the ridiculous – the Tea Party. (NOTE to the Republican Party, while you are trying to harness the power of the Tea Party while keeping them at arm’s length, just keep in mind the last time we had Pluto here we had the French Revolution. It was the epitome of gang revolt that went too far and feed off those who brought it to power.) All things have a positive and shadow outcome – it is the yin and yang of life.

Pluto here also changed the monetary system and brought around failures to long standing financial institutions.

However, let’s take this another step. What can be more “Capricornian” that Earth – the actual structure of the land on which we stand? Right now, Pluto and Saturn are making a “trine aspect” a flowing aspect of 30 degrees and both are in Earth signs. Saturn is now in Virgo. Because Saturn rules Capricorn – we are now in a period of double dose of change to our structures. What better time for earthquakes and volcanoes? Remember last week I spoke of “aspects”? This is a very powerful one – Saturn, ruler of Capricorn is trine to Pluto in Capricorn – that is whole lot of shaking up going on.

Pluto will remain in Capricorn until 2024, the Earth won’t keep rolling the whole time but it will be an active time and when strong aspects like this come around we will be more susceptible to this kind of natural “disaster.” I put that in quotes because while these things are devastating to the people in the area, the Earth changes it is the nature of the beast.

When Pluto was in:

Sagittarius 1995 – 2008 – the time of spiritual awareness – the shadow being fundamentalism.

Scorpio 1983 – 1995 – the time of the sexual revolution – the shadow being sexual prevision made more public.

Libra – 1971 – 1983 – the time when relationships and the ideas of romance changed – the shadow being our obsession with youth, beauty and cosmetic alterations.

Virgo 1958 – 1971 – the time of the rise of the women’s movement – and environmental movement –
The shadow being the growth of “fast food” and environmental pollutants.

Leo -1939 – 1958 – the time when the “baby boomers – the ME generation was born.” It was the time when the individual came into focus – the value of one person was learned but can you find a more self obsessed, ego centric group of people than we boomers?

Time Goes By So…………..quickly

A friend called me today all upset about the speed of time. “I know time speeds up when you get older but this is crazy. Thing are flying by way too fast. What is going on?

What is going on is Pluto has moved into Capricorn. Last week I mentioned how that change is and will continue to effect the structures of society. That is just one sphere of influence for Capricorn, the sign I affectionately refer to as the “Old Goat.” (Capricorn’s symbol is the goat.)
Capricorn also rules time. Makes sense, right? Capricorn rules form and structure. What structures us more than the clock, the sun rising and setting – time?

So for the next few decades as Pluto grinds through the Capricorn constellation – time is going to go a bit hay-wire. No, we aren’t going to all vanish onto another realm on Jan. 1, 2012 – I don’t care what the Mayan’s did or didn’t write. However, be prepared to see the speed of time increase and the effects of time on our bodies change.

Time stepping up its pace a bit actually started when Uranus was discovered in 1781. Uranus is the only planet that spins on its side and is associated with sudden changes and advances that move mankind relentless into the future. After it showed itself to us, the industrial and then scientific revolutions began. In the past, generations would live almost exactly like those which came before – suddenly massive changes started in the way we live and one generation would not recognize the life style of the one before. That is all thanks to Uranus.

Now that Pluto will be forcing changes to the way we see time, the “good old days” will be anything that happened last week!

Pluto – Dark and Light

As I mentioned in an earlier entry, Pluto moved into Capricorn late last year. Pluto, that cold, distant – sort-of planet, makes a huge impact on society. Because it is so far away from the Sun, it takes a long, long time to transit the solar system and stays in each sign for a good, long while. Pluto rules change and transformation and as it grinds through the solar system it makes deep changes in the areas of our lives influenced by that sign.

For example, when we baby boomers were born, Pluto was in Leo. Ruled by the Sun, Leo people want the spot light on them – they want everyone to see them shine. What better sign to birth a generation of self absorbed whiners (remember “30 Something”?) than Leo? In the early ’60’s Pluto moved into Virgo and we saw the rise of the environmental movement and huge changes in the workplace. Its recent foray into Sagittarius saw the rise of spiritualism – as well as its shadow, fundamentalism.

Capricorn rules the very structures that hold society together – our government, our banking system. The last time Pluto was in Capricorn was 1762 – 1777 – a time of great revolution here in America and abroad. The most obvious sign of Pluto Capricorn this time around was the election of our first African American President. However, for every positive there is a shadow. Right now we see that play out in the tea-baggers and those people who wish to blame our current economic woes and “government take over” of business not on the guy they supported who created this mess, but on said first African American President.

A more frightening development was the death of the 51 year old census worker who was found with “FED” on his chest. That is anger at it’s worst, most irrational and tragic. Anger among people short on facts and shorter on judgement – fueled by vested interests who are out to keep their piece of the pie safe – can create situations where vigilantism and domestic terrorism reigns.

Pluto will remain in Capricorn for another 10 years – that is a long time to stir up anger. With a wise leader, we will come out the other side with great reforms to make these “big guys” more amenable to the needs of those they are to serve. With fools in charge all bets are off and uncontrolled anger can lead to many tragic circumstances like the death of the census worker, Bill Sparkman, or worse.

Let’s hope that we remain as smart as we were at the polls as we were in November 2008.