I wrote this back on May 28th. Iraq sadly is the point for this action now – and I am afraid more is to come.
I wrote this back on May 28th. Iraq sadly is the point for this action now – and I am afraid more is to come.
We need the spring season. We haven’t seen much of spring but it will arrive – eventually. While those who know me know that I am a cool weather gal we have to honor the beauty and necessity of spring.
Spring begins when the Sun moves into the constellation of Aries on the equinox. Aries is the typical sign of upward and outward movement – or masculine energy looking to change paths and lead a new way. How perfect! This is the time to clean away the old growth, sow the fields and make plans for the rebirth of late spring and early summer.
In Five Element Acupuncture, spring is the time of wood – also a planning time – when Yang energy begins to awaken from a long Yin winter.
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Pastina and Pesto a spring dish from “Signs of the Tines: The Ultimate Astrological Cookbook.” |
The sign that follows Aries is Taurus, the most tactile sign, that which loves to feel and engage with the Earth. Taurus is considered the sign of the Ecology Movement. As the first flowers appear and the Earth is reborn we feel very close to Taurean energy.
I beg of my clients one thing – if you do nothing else with Astrology use it to be in cycle with nature. So use the Aries energy to clean away the cobwebs of winter – physically and emotionally – and then be like Taurus the Bull and run through the new grass and smell the new roses.
Tonight at 7;38 PM Eastern – we will experience a lunar eclipse and a full Moon in Aries. This is a Hunter’s Moon, a signal to the ancients that is time to store food for the winter. It is also called a Blood Moon. How appropriate that this year it is in Aries. Aries is the sign of action, movement and initiation so this a wonderful time to commit to follow your goals. No excuses.
With the Sun in Libra, this is also a time to balance your needs (Aries) with others (Libra.)Compromise, balance and effort – geez I wish this Moon had come about two weeks ago over Washington! On second thought – we need more than a full Moon to fix that bunch.
All of the major outer planets have shifted from one constellation to another since 2008 – and you were wondering why we all feel a little off balanced!
One of the most fascinating – and potentially dangerous shifts is for the rebellious planet of Uranus’ move into Aries, the sign that is the archetype of raw, male energy. Uranus hates stagnation – it loves to shake things up and throw out the old and the stale.
Using that Aries energy to shake off things about yourself that you don’t like – to really make New Year’s resolutions stick. If you feel like you are “jumping out of your skin” to change and do something – go with it. Look at your chart and see where Uranus is by natal placement and by transit and then get to work on those areas.
However, when you combine rebellion and unbridled male energy you can sometimes get dire results. Sadly, especially when it is squaring Pluto as Uranus is now, we might see more Aurora’s – more Newtown’s. People pushing others onto subway tracks – people acting out are all the shadow of this placement.
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Courtesy of Arlene Weinstock |
So I am up in Maine making my annual escape from the Virginia heat and I am trying to think of a blog entry. Maine is conducive to many things including deep introspection but for some reason my imagination is failing me…. what to write what to write? My mind wanders. I had a lobster Cobb salad last night – very yummy. Lobster – that is it – I will write the Astrology of Lobsters. Now that is silly, Joan, I hear my subconscious saying. How can you know the exact day and time that lobsters came into being on Earth? I can’t of course but I when in doubt – heck, make things up. It works for the news media, why not me?
So with the help of Wikipedia I present to you the real Astrology of lobsters. “Lobsters…have blue blood due to the presence of haemocyanin, which contains copper.” Blue blood? They must have Leo rising. After all, Leo is the king – the ruling lion of the Zodiac. Think about it – even though they often wind up on our dinner plates, they do demand a king’s ransom before allowing us to eat them. There is nothing cheap and tawdry about them. How Leo of them. Besides, how do you think they got that big claw? It had to be from preening their shells!
Again thanks to Wiki I learned that, “Recent research suggests that lobsters may not slow down, weaken, or lose fertility with age. In fact, older lobsters are more fertile than younger lobsters. This longevity may be due to telomerase, an enzyme that repairs DNA sequences of the form “TTAGGG.”
A ha – they must have Venus in Aries! Aries is the masculine, fire sign – if you want an aggressive lover find an Aries. Go Lobsters.
As for Moon sign – I have to go with Pisces. After all, for all of their airs, they do wind up on your platter more often than not, a martyr to Man’s insatiable appetite. They might even jump into the traps to save another – cuter – species – now that would be a very Piscean move.
So the next time you are pouring butter over one of these crustacean friends, remember his Leo and give him due homage, remember his Aries and keep the antacid close by in case his fire burns in your stomach and don’t forget to thank him for his sacrifice.
Gotta go – there is a new restaurant on Goose Rocks Beach that has oven roasted lobster on their menu. I can’t miss that.
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courtesy or Arlenew.com |
My friend Arlene – whose paintings and photos you see here has a tag line on all her emails which reads, “Take care and breathe.” I tease her about going Los Angeles on us but I think we should all listen to her right now.
First, we have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Lilith and Uranus all in Aries right now, the sign of unbridled male energy. It is a great time to start new projects and chart new courses. However, it is a also a time where we can make impulsive and wrong headed decisions on the spur of the moment. Think of it as all of these planets experiencing road rage. So if these planets are falling in your 7th house you might suddenly decide to make changes to your business or marriage relationships. They might sound good at the moment but after thinking about it for a day or two you realize those changes are disastrous.
Also on April 5 and 6 the Moon will be void of course. When a body moves from one sign to another – when it is 27 degrees in one sign to 3 degrees in the next – it is considered void of course – a little off kilter. Because the Moon moves so quickly it is void of course a few days every month. This is a time when our emotions may be a little hinky.
If you couple void of course Moon with all of this male Aries energy flying around it could lead to some serious mistakes. So please everyone for the next week or so – breathe first act second!
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courtesy of arlenew.com |
April is always a wild month astrologically. The archetypal energy is of Mars, the god of war. Mars and the sign it rules, Aries, is the epitome of male aggression. We need energy and spunk to make our mark in our world. However, keep in mind the shadow of this is testosterone overload – unbridled aggression and violence. The Revolutionary and Civil Wars started in April. Hitler was born in April just as the Sun was moving out of Aries. Columbine was in April. We invaded Iraq in 2003 under Aries. You get the picture.
It is no surprise, therefore, that we face the coming Stellium of asteroids and planets in Aries with some trepidation.
On April 4th when Neptune moves into spiritual Pisces (see last week’s entry) we will also have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, Uranus, Mars and even the black Moon Lilith all in Aries. Fortunately, most of these are “personal planets” – the inner guys who make the biggest impact on an individual’s chart not the planet as a whole. If you have Aries personal planets or if yours make aspects to Aries – you will be able to start new activities just be sure you don’t fly off the handle for little reasons. Watch for spikes in personal violence during this time. Just remember to stay in the light – the energy Aries brings – and not the shadow.
Uranus is Aries is a generational shift – it hangs around a sign for about 7 years. Jupiter stays about a year in each sign. Uranus and Jupiter will be squaring Pluto in Capricorn – this will be a huge time when the big issues of fairness, justice and truth come to light. I would advise any President of Prime Minister or dictator to be very careful at this time. Any act of dishonesty, any act of underhandedness will see the light. Anyone who acts with extreme individualism will get a good smack in the face.
Uranus in Aries can blaze the trail for social reform and science. Expect to see big breakthroughs in these areas.
It is all about the harnessing of this energy. Those who use it for social good for social justice will blaze new trails in these areas. Those trails will not always be smooth sailing – there can be wars and battles needed to bring about these changes. Anyone who goes to shadow of Aries – who seeks to subjugate freedom and justice – will wreck havoc on the world around them.
Hopefully from this disruption will come the beauty of Neptune in Pisces (see last week) when the spiritual overtakes the illusion. If we all do our part to try to stay out of the shadow that can happen. Yes, I know, I know — but we can all try.