OK ready or not here comes the eclipse! What does this mean astrologically? All eclipses give as a great possibility to initiate change in our lives. Solar eclipses are a new beginning – because we are seeing the coming together of the opposite forces – the yin and yang – Sun –fire and Moon – emotion. It is a great time to make plans, commitments, and decisions and say I am going to do this. It is like one big New Year’s resolution but with cosmic energy instead of ten martini’s to back it up. What I find funny is so many people want to “see” the eclipse (NOTE: watch your eyes – there are correct ways of doing that) but how many people want to feel it – to live it – to embody the energy of it? This eclipse is in Scorpio – a very transformative energy. Scorpio demands that we dig deep within ourselves, overcome our secrets, fears, and taboos, and find a new sense of power. The questions that we should be asking are where does this eclipse interact with my chart – where should I be feeling the energy of change?
Tag: full moon astrology
Full Moon Royal Baby – Born to Bring Change!
I find it interesting that his Moon is in Capricorn. Capricorn Moon people are more serious and might even be prone to depression and with his Moon squaring Saturn I would alert the family to watch for depression and because the Moon is in the 2nd house of self-worth he might have to learn that he is “worthy” of the office he has been assigned to a birth. Still a monarch with a serious Capricorn Moon will serve him better than a more loosey-goosey Aquarius Moon.
Full Moon Tonight
Tonight, February 25th is the so called “Ice Moon,” the February full moon. Of course, if you live in the D.C. area you get no snow or ice or winter…but I digress.
A moon is “full” when it is furthest from the Sun. As you can see in the chart below, the Moon is tucked away in the 12th house and all the way across the chart, the Sun is in the 6th. When the Moon escapes the light of the Sun it can shine most brightly over us.
The Moon is in Virgo in the 12th, the house of secrets. Remember too the we are in a state of retrograded Mercury. So please, please watch for communications missteps, words not said or words expressed in anger instead of peace. This is the time to think twice before criticizing and bringing up old hearts and to really, really think before you speak!
Hanukkah Chart
Hanukkah always falls on the same date in the Jewish calendar. It is when we mesh that calendar with the Western calendar that the days move around. This year it begins tonight….by the way, next year it starts on November 27!
The Jewish calendar is lunar so let’s take a look at the Moon tonight. The chart above is calculated for sundown, which is 4:28 PM EST today, December 8. Fittingly, the Moon is in Libra, in the 5th house. Since this is a holiday of gifts, fun and celebration, Libra – the sign of friendship and sharing with the other person is a good sign for the Moon to be in. The 5th house is the house where we express our creativity – where we have fun and are kids so be a kid tonight on Hanukkah!
Just beware of gossipy family members! The ascendant is in Gemini – the sign of communications – and it’s ruler, Mercury is in Scorpio – the sign that loves to ferret out secrets. Because Mercury is in the 6th house – the house of work and health – be careful not to tell that snoopy old aunt you hate your job or your feet hurt if you don’t want it spread around the family like wild fire. Jupiter and Vesta in retrograde on the ascendant will make people want to share a bit too much.
With Juno, the asteroid of loyalty in the 7th house, the house of intimate relationships – be sure to have lots of people who REALLY mean something to you over this year. Show and tell them how much you really love them.
And Happy Holidays all!!!
Lunar Eclipse June 4.
Now that we have just come through the solar eclipse we are gearing up for the lunar one! A partial lunar eclipse will take place on June 4, 2012. Although it will only be visible in Europe, East Africa, Asia, Australia, Pacific and a small portion of the Americas the energy will be felt by all of us. An eclipse of the Moon takes place when the Moon is “full” and can only occur ifthe Moon passes through some portion of the Earth’s shadow. The closer the Moon is to the center of the shadow, the more total the eclipse. Astrologicaly speaking a lunar eclipse is a great time for new beginnings mostly because it can bring about some hum dinger of endings. When the Moon is “full” it is opposite the Sun – so there is a disconnect between emotions and action. It can be a time when all of those annoying little things at work or in a partner really hit home. If you are born during a lunar eclipse expect to have some emotional explosions throughout your life as you will be wrestling with this emotiona-action energy during your lifetime. So if you want to avoid fights or lose your job – hang tight for a few days around the eclipse! Then again if you are itching for a fight…………………….
Oh Stop Grumbling
I got a call from a friend yesterday. “What the heck is going on – it is a horrible day for everyone here?” Well calls like that send me right to my friendly computer to divine the answers from on high – yes, from Microsoft. Well there it was in black and white, sort of. The Moon is now conjuncting Saturn and it is “full” too boot.
Look to the left of the chart. See the crescent shape of the Moon sitting right next to the funky H, the symbol for Saturn? They are conjunct one another – meaning the influence of Saturn is all over the poor little Moon. Now is a “bad” thing but it does constrict things and can have a very depressive influence. So if the Moon rules emotions and Saturn is beating up on it – do you see where grumpiness can ensue? Don’t worry the Moon is a fast mover, it will be pulling away in a day or two. P.S. You can tell when the Moon is “full” when it is across from the Sun – the Sun is the circle with a dot in the middle. The further from the Sun, the more the Moon can “shine.”
I just love relgious holidays that follow the stars…!
Happy Easter and Happy Passover. I do just love religious holidays that have their roots in the movements of planetary bodies! Easter is calculated as the first Sunday after the paschal full moon that occurs on or after the vernal equinox. If the full moon falls on a Sunday, then Easter is the following Sunday. The holiday can occur anywhere between March 22 and April 25. Of course, since Passover came first it too follows an astronomical path. Passover begins on the night of a full moon after the northern vernal equinox.
While you are enjoying your Easter meal remember that the word derives from Eoestre the pagan celebration in honor of the young goddess who would shower d the countryside with eggs during the vernal equinox.
Which ever Spring celebration you partake in have fun and remember they are wonderful connections to the universe and the stars above us.
Full Moon
Don’t forget to catch the full Moon! It is so pretty over the Ocean here in Maine! The Moon is “full” when it is directly opposite – or the furthest away from the Sun — because it isn’t competing with Sun energy we can see it at its maximum…..
Catch the SUPERMOON on March 19th
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courtesy of arlenew.com |
Get out the binoculars… Sunday nights full Moon will be pretty.
The Moon hasn’t been this close to Earth in 19 years…so the full Moon will be about 15 percent brighter than usual! (And yes some people may be 15 percent battier than usual but who will notice!)
Some people are predicting all harbingers of evil to happen. WHY do we always thing something evil is going to happen? Isn’t there enough freaking evil around? It just means we might feel our emotions on a different, stronger level – see them more clearly.
The Moon will be moving from Virgo to Libra that night – so it is a good time to check our emotions in realtion those closest to us..not a good time to pick a fight with our spouse!