The Progressed Chart of the United States – What in the World is Going On With Us?

My wonderful acupuncturist, Kate, asked me a question that I frankly wish I had thought of. “What is going on with the progressed chart of the United States?” Eek – after I thought for a second, I replied, “I don’t know but I think I am afraid to look.”

Well, life is all about conquering of fears so I finally looked. What I did was a triwheel – with the birth chart of the United States (the moment the Declaration of Independence was signed) in the middle, the progressed chart of the and a current transit chart on the outside. A progressed chart shows the movement of the planets from the time of the birth chart to now. The final transit chart is just showing where the stars and planets are now.

There is so much here that I think it is going to be two blog entries – if not, you may all start snoring. The first thing that grabs me is that progressed South Node is conjunct progressed Pluto in the 9th in the cusp of the 10th house. The 9th house is the house indicates where we go out into the world and search for our larger truths, the 10th house is career and social status – and the house of government.

Any individual who has this combination – progressed South Node and Pluto in conjunction – will be facing a time where past karma must be addressed – and where they must change because of it. Is there much of a stretch to think of past karma coming up with us now? Race relations, hideous debts built by people who now must get our “budget in order” — these are a few issues coming to a head now. We didn’t have to get our budget in order when the GOP destroyed the economy – now it is high priority for them! I think it is hysterical that this conjunction is happening in the house of higher truth. I have a feeling the truth will come out during this whole mess and that is the truth that some people will do anything even destroy the country to make sure a black man won’t win re-election. Sad but true, no?

To make this more interesting, this combination is over the natal Neptune of the U.S. Our natal Neptune is in Virgo in the 9th. Neptune is where we can rise to spiritual awareness and brilliance – but it is also where, when we are in shadow, is where illusion takes over. Happily America is known to come to people’s aid -with food and care (very Virgo) when countries are in trouble. However, we are also in illusion about our place in the world and have a hard time reconciling some of the negative things we have done with our foreign policy.  So we swerve from savior to illusionary super power because of our Neptune 9.

Our standing in the world will be effected by this Pluto/South Node – karma issue. This goes beyond the economic catastrophe that will be loosed on the world if we default – it is a matter of how much of a banana republic we appear if we allow a handful of ideologues to NOT face their past accurately and live in Neptunian illusion.

Pluto demands change – if you don’t head Pluto’s call you are headed to a big downfall.

More later……

President Obama at 50

On August 4th President Obama will turn 50 years old. It is so depressing realizing that for the first time in your life the President is younger than you but I will have to deal with that later.

One of the big things that happens around our 50th is our Chironic return. Simply put, that is why Chiron returns to the same position it was when we were born. For the President, he has Chiron at 5 degrees Pisces in the 1st house and right now Chiron is hovering at 4 degrees Pisces. It is almost back where it was when he was born.

Chiron is where we carry a deep, deep wound. Chiron in Pisces creates a wound issue around our connection to source, God, the universe – whatever word you want to use. Pisces Chiron people fall into two basic archetypal patterns – either they firmly believe that they are the ONLY way we can connect to source – they know the actual truth or they feel unconnected to the God-source, believing they don’t know or don’t have the right to know how to be a “child of God.”

With Chiron on the first the President’s wound issue and this disconnect directly to his self assertion, his basic aggression and focus values. With his natal Mars in Virgo (Mars vibrates to the first house) he kind of has to battle the Virgo-Pisces – victim/martyr syndrome. In other words, it is easy for him to have had problems about who am I, how do I fit in here on Earth and in the whole cosmic picture. As you can imagine, it must have been hard for a highly intelligent, highly ambitious bi-racial man, raised in various parts of the world to put all of his parts together.

One left over of his learned behavior of fitting in is his desire to round off the edges, make himself invisible not to offend (Virgo-Pisces.) Let’s hope that after being kicked around by the lunatic fringe or the lunatic base I should say of the GOP, after years of trying to meet them in the middle when the middle keeps moving right, he will experience a Chironic awakening of his own power.

His North Node is Leo – the ego centric sign (and I don’t mean that in a critical sense.) His South Node is Aquarius (which is also his rising sign.) It is very easy for him to try to come to some center point to bring all people together – to find results that will be happy for all. But, Mr. President, please – that is your South node – your past karmic identification.

Embrace your Leo – embrace your Lion energy – take the return of Chiron to realize you have found your rightful place. Now roar like the Lion you need to become!

Happy Summer Solstice

The Summer Solsitice is here but what does that mean? Simply, it is when the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer, or Moon Child, if you are more PC.  What does that mean exactly? Well let me illustrate this with a few charts. The symbol for the Sun is the circle with the little dot in the middle. OK, on the first chart, cast for 1150 AM Eastern time today shows the Sun 29 degrees into the the sign of Gemini. (Each sign is 30 degrees.)

The second chart is cast for 2:00 PM Eastern today. Look! The Sun is now at 0 degrees Cancer. The Solstice will take place around 1: 15 PM  – when the Sun moves into Cancer.  Anyone born this morning will actually be a Gemini Sun person – this afternoon will see the birth of Cancer Sun people. This only happens on the Solstices and Equinoxes.

So you ask, if there are twelve signs why do we get so involved in just the 2 solstiices and 2 equinixes? Well, because that is when the Sun moves into Cardinal signs. Astrological signs are divideed into Cardinal, the movers and shakers, Mutable, the more complaint -some say vasilating signs, and Fixed, the stubborn more stable signs. Cardinal signs, Libra, Aries, Capricorn and Cancer, because they are the more active ones – because they are leadershup signs, if you will, contain a great deal of energy and thus give a boost to the whole chart.

So when you start to enjoy the summer remember that it all starts with the Cardinal energy of Cancer.

Group Charts! Think of the possibilities

I have to tell you about the cool new project I am undertaking… group charts!
By combining the charts of several people into one new relationship chart I can tell alot about the dynamics of that group. For instance, if I combined the charts of you and your spouse and children I would get a new chart that details how you interact as a group.

I recently did this for a spiritual book club I belong to and it showed how we are feeding each other’s needs provide security through knowledge. It also pointed out some human faults that we were guilty of that if not addressed could cause disharmony in the group.  It was great to look at and talk about our pluses and minuses.

These charts are often doors to discussion on issues we sometimes don’t know how to approach.

So get your family chart done –  or your office chart – or book club…whatever. Awareness is the stepping stone to understanding after all!

Happy Birthday to the Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama is celebrating his 76th birthday today by coming to Washington, D.C. (It is a good thing he is used to warm weather.) He has such an interesting chart as you might expect.

One of the most fascinating aspects is his South Node. As a karmic astrologer I always look at the South Node first – it is one of the largest indicators of our current personality because we carry over so much from our previous lives. His South Node is in Moon Child in the 10th house – the house of society and government. Moon Child is the sign most linked to the Mother and our emotions. Therefore, he has a karmic memory of being a nurturing figure in society. He provided for people’s food, housing – or even could have been a counselor.

Here is the really neat part. The ruler of his South Node, the Moon, is in the 12th house in Virgo. Virgo is the sign of duty and service and the 12th house is the house where we connect with the universe, God, the Source.

So in a nutshell he was known for caring on a deep emotional level for members of his society. This society was in service to God. Hmmm, do you think they got something right when the Buddhist leaders claimed that he was the reincarnation of the previous Dalai Lama? It seems he has done this before.

His North Node (a current soul desire indicator) is Capricorn in the 4th House – so this lifetime he has to be more of a father figure to people in his immediate family – his immediate neighborhood, if you will. With the Tibetan Diaspora he has had to become the center figure, the father figure, of his people.

In the past he was able to be the emotional, nurturer of his people – now he has to hold them together – be a beacon.

The Astrology of “the hat”

Princess Beatrice and her hat for the royal weddingOK what made her do it? Why did Princess Beatrice don the hideous hat at the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton?  Her South Node made her do it, of course! Well sort of.  Beatrice was born with her South Node in Virgo in the 7th House. Our South Node is the indicator of our karmic past – our karmic addiction – because we have the memory of living with that signature. In her case, she is coming from many lifetimes as a Virgo who worked on 7th house issues – the house of close personal relationships.

People with a Virgo South Node, regardless of the house, bear the burden of control. They have to control, organize, fix and make perfect even though that is an impossible task. When they “fail” they must affix blame which is why Virgo is known as the most critical of signs.

Beatrice’s S. Node in the 7th calls her to control others – those very close to her. This manifests as someone who dominates other or who plays the victim to keep people under her thumb. See what you did to me? See how you make ME suffer?  So when someone close to her – her mother – was not invited to the royal wedding – she made them know how they were making her suffer. It was even OK that she walked around looking like a deranged Martian she caused a scene at the wedding of the people who hurt her and she made them suffer through her victimization.

Let’s hope with age she will progress into her North Node – Pisces in the first house and realize that she can embody something greater – that she doesn’t need to look to and blame everyone else. Going from Virgo to Pisces is going from tunnel vision to embodying the view of the universe. Hopefully, from up there she will be able to spot a better hat.

Happy Solstice….

The Summer Solstice is here but what does that mean? Simply, it is when the Sun moves into the sign of Cancer, or Moon Child, if you are more PC. What does that mean exactly? Well let me illustrate this with a few charts. The symbol for the Sun is the circle with the little dot in the middle. OK, on the first chart, cast for 1150 AM Eastern time today shows the Sun 29 degrees into the sign of Gemini. (Each sign is 30 degrees.)

The second chart is cast for 2:00 PM Eastern today. Look! The Sun is now at 0 degrees Cancer. The Solstice will take place around 1: 15 PM – when the Sun moves into Cancer. Anyone born this morning will actually be a Gemini Sun person – this afternoon will see the birth of Cancer Sun people. This only happens on the Solstices and Equinoxes.

So, you ask, if there are twelve signs why do we get so involved in just the 2 solstices and 2 equinoxes? Well, because that is when the Sun moves into Cardinal Signs. Astrological signs are divided into Cardinal, the movers and shakers, Mutable, the more complaint -some say vacillating signs, and Fixed, the stubborn more stable signs. Cardinal signs, Libra, Aries, Capricorn and Cancer, because they are the more active ones – because they are leadership signs, if you will, contain a great deal of energy and thus give a boost to the whole chart.

So when you start to enjoy the summer remember that it all starts with the Cardinal energy of Cancer.

Part of Fortune

With all of the bad news in the world, riots, earthquakes, the GOP Presidential Debate, I decided to talk about good news – or the Part of Fortune. Besides, I promised last week this would be an easy one.

The Part of Fortune is an astrological marking shown on your chart as a circle with an X in the middle – and indicates where we get karmic reward. Can’t beat that! If you happen to have a Part of Fortune in Aquarius in the seventh house then you will have karmic rewards that come from close relationships. If it appears in your first house, however, then your “luck” would come from expressing your own self assertive, independent energy. However, in the eighth house look for it to come from insurance, other people’s money.

A fifth house Part of Fortune brings reward through creative energy and the 6th when you dedicate to self improvement and hard work. The second house you can be lucky with money or sudden “fortune” but the third will come through your intellect. When in the fourth house the Part shows the way when you get in touch with your emotional center – your roots.

The ninth house Part of Fortune triggers when you head out on your search for truth, but the 10th house only when you involve yourself in some endeavor that benefits society. Groups will bring the Part’s effects to you if it is the 11th but the 12th house is all about meditation and solitude.

So take a look at where your Part of Fortune is located and then see if you are working to help it work its magic for you!

Nodes on the Loose

 I had lunch with a friend today who has been feeling a little out of sorts. You know the feeling;  pulled one way and then another –  wanting to do something as opposed to having to do something – knowing you should be working on your business when you want to be hibernating. So being the dutiful astrologer I checked her chart before I met up with her. Sure enough her nodes were transiting one another, sort of.

Follow me here – right now the North Node is at 23 degrees Sagittarius and the South Node is 23 degrees Gemini. My friend was born with just the opposite – S Node Sag and North in Gemini – and they happen to be passing each other now. So transiting South Node is sitting on her natal North and vice versa. (Sit with it – trust me it works.)  If the South Node is our karmic identity – what we are programmed from the past – and the North is where we are going to – or should be going to, we can see the root cause of her agitation.

As the opposite Node activates her natal nodes she feels the urge to try new things (North Node) but she is hanging onto the things from the past and the fear of what would happen or could happen if she lets go of her old identity (South Node.) She feels like a push-me-pull-you llama in some ways.
It is a clash of stepping out of the old and into the new fearlessly. No small fete.
So if there are feelings of being stuck and confused it doesn’t have to be but it could be a nodal transition happening.

And I promise – next week will be easier…

Uranus has moved into Aries.

We have recently seen yet another slower, outer planet shift into another sign. I have already talked about Neptune moving into Pisces and Pluto heading into Capricorn, now we have Uranus moving in Aries. Uranus takes about seven years to move through one sign. Contrast that to Mercury which makes it through all twelve in eighty-eight days!

courtesy of

Uranus is the sign of quick change – it is the rebel. I liken Uranus to the teenager of the Zodiac because it hates status quo and likes to shake things up as it explores new opportunities. Like a teenager who can turn a house on end in a minute by tossing clothes about as soon as they enter the door, leaving the refrigerator door opened and blaring loud music, Uranus brings upheaval whether you are ready or not.

Like youth, Uranus also has a humanitarian side. It isn’t jaded yet like Saturn and Pluto and sees the beauty in every person. Uranus really cares about humanity and wants to help all humans.

So now we have the teenager meeting the baby – Uranus meeting the infant of the zodiac – the raw aggressive energy of Aries. If there was ever a time to change – to finish a project or start one or to analyze a relationship. Be spontaneous- take a trip on the spur of the moment, learn Russian.

Like all teenagers, Uranus is a techno-geek – so expect another explosion of gadgets and widgets in the next seven years.

However, remember that teens are prone to explosions and irrational anger. So watch for impulsive, erratic energy.

It is important to look at your chart and see what Uranus/Aquarius Aries/Mars activate – control the energy and you will make great headway in these areas.  (Countries can also have these planets in strategic areas of their charts so watch for eruptions around the world.)