
A friend whined to me a few weeks ago, “When is Mercury going to get out of retrograde?” It was about to leave I assured her. (However, it will zip back in November 23 – December 13.) Retrogrades are a time for whining. Everything seems to go backwards, cars don’t start, computers go on the fritz, and things just don’t get done. However, instead of whining we should remember that retrogrades are a time for going within and working on the internal stuff before pushing forward.

Right now we have an inordinate amount of number going retrograde. No wonder people feel like they are under water and so dejected.

Pluto is still in retrograde – until Sept 16 – but we talked about Pluto recently in another blog entry.

Right now most of the “girls” – the big asteroid are in retrograde. Juno, Vesta and Ceres are all retrograded. Juno is where our loyalty lies – so there might be relationship issues coming up. Vesta, where we feel we must dedicate to something, when in retrograde will make us feel like I can’t get excited about anything. Ceres is our mothering, nurturing nature – need I say more?

An asteroid that vibrates to male energy, Chiron, our sacred wound issue – a pain so deep we don’t want to deal with it is also retrograded. We are feeling pain but can’t get to the source, can’t confront it.

Had enough? Too bad. Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter are also all retrograded! Really people – I wish the pundits who rap about how the American people are feeling can take a look at this! Neptune, our connection to the spiritual, Uranus, our energetic change energy and Jupiter our expansion and hope guide are all going in reverse. Makes you sleepy just reading it.

Never fear – these guys never stand still for long. Jupiter is being quite dramatic and going straight again on December 25, Uranus December 10, Chiron November 10, Neptune November 9 and Ceres December 6. Vesta will only be retrograded a few more days and Juno will follow Chiron.

So see – it won’t last. Remember that retrograde is a time to go within and learn why we are feeling the way we are. Whining never gets us anywhere!

Perry – a bit more

OK several people have asked me, “Does Rick Perry, like Bachmann, believe what he is saying or is it a political act?” My answer. It doesn’t matter to him. Deeply ensconced in his Libra South Node he will do what gets approval. Libra is all about the other person – about getting others to approve and accept you. When Texas was a Democratic state – no really it once was – really —— he worked for Al Gore. That got him the approval of the political powerful.  Now he embraces the radical right because they have overtaken Texas and the entire Republican Party. The more they approve of the nonsense he spews, the more he will do it.

The trick is that I don’t think he is capable of realizing that this stuff doesn’t play with thinking independent people. He is getting reinforcement from those closest to him – the circle of radicals. It is hard for him to pivot away from that and realize that he needs to appeal to a broader audience. He is hooked on the acceptance of those in his immediate area.

Rick Perry- yes I found the chart information… hang on kids.

Compliments of

OK by popular demand, I give you Rick Perry’s chart. Now, I don’t know if this birth time is accurate. It is running around the astrology boards and it is alleged to have been checked out with the county board but again let’s hope it is correct.

This time would place his South Node in Libra in the 5th house. The South Node is where we are coming from karmicly, the identity that we carry over from previous lives. Libra is the sign of “the other” – they are karmicly addicted to being in motion, and of relating to others and the social reality of others. Basically what a Libra South Node person is saying “who am I unless you tell me who I am?” They must reflect in other people’s eyes. They tend to co-dependence. Being an air sign it is hard for Libra to know boundaries.

The fifth house is the house of creativity and personal expression. A Libra 5th house person screams accept me for how unique I am – see how interesting I am – see me – please – see me! Remember the 5th house is the house which vibrates to the sign of Leo – the king of the jungle, the astrological narcissist.

Perry’s South Node is conjunct a retrograded Neptune, Mars, Juno and Saturn. His Moon is also there – it is the only thing NOT retrograded in the fifth house. His past lives were characterized by an illusionary attachment to some aggressive or even militaristic group. Since Saturn, Moon and Juno are still in Virgo – this was some fierce dedication – service to something in a big way. Retrogrades are a pause for karma -an additional lesson learned. A retrograded Neptune is a call to rework spiritual values and awareness – how is that going, Rick old boy? Retrograded Juno is asking us to look at the relationships – the things we are loyal too and Mars in retrograde asks us to rework our thoughts on aggressive, drive and assertion.

Perry started out a Democrat but was convinced by Rove, et al to switch. He saw the tide changing in the South and in order to stay attached, to get the positive feedback and acceptance via votes (all very Libra qualities ) he embraced the views and became the center of (5th house Leo) radical right wing.

His North Node -where he should be moving in this lifetime is Aries in the 11th house – the house of group activities. He needs to be working on becoming a group leader of some group, humanitarian activities. The humanitarian comes in from the Aquarius influence of the 11th house. Now if you read this blog with any regularity you may surmise that I am a proud latte liberal. I am sorry I can’t see anything humanitarian about a man who has executed more people than any other governor in Texas. To hold that record in Texas you have to really work at it.

So while he seems ensconced in his South Node still the question everyone asks me about Tea Party politicians is, do they believe this stuff or are they doing it for votes? With him I don’t’ think it matters because he now believes he believes it. It is like the person who tells the same story so many times it becomes a reality for them. His Mercury is conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius in the 10th house – the house of government and society. Mercury is all about thoughts and communications and Jupiter is expansion and growth. Being grouped together and in the quirky, changeable sign of Aquarius we can see how this guy is capable of saying anything even carrying it to extremes. In fact, he likes to say things that are offbeat and shocking – and fortunately for the country he will probably going around shocking any sane thinking sentient being between now and election day.

So who is Rick Perry? Someone who is still clinging to the need to stand out and shine in a group -someone still stuck in his religious warrior past who will say or do anything as long as it keeps him in the spotlight.

Another one?

Thank you Lord – we have Michelle Bachmann’s Chart!!!!!

Michelle Bachmann was SO intent on proving to everyone that she was a “real” American unlike you know who in the White House that she proudly told the “Des Moines Register” that she was born “at 12:08 on July 6.” We have a time – but like so much of Mickey Girl – it is half-baked. Is it AM or PM? Well-armed with at least some kind of time, we hand maidens of Satan, astrologers, cracked open our computers to see if we can figure out which is more plausible. After reading several analyses and studying the possibilities, I concur with a majority of political astrologers that it was noon. Besides, if you are born at midnight most people would say midnight or 12:08 in the morning. By just saying 12:08 it sort of implies noon to me.

Also, the noon time chart places Jupiter in the 5th house – a perfect place for someone to manifest many children. (Mia Farrow has the same placement although I think her style of raising children (I refuse to say parenting) might be a tad different than Mickey Girl’s.
Most importantly, the noon chart places her rising sign – how she projects in the world – as Aries – the archetype of aggressive, militant dominant energy. Uh Duh? The ruler of Aries, Mars, is in Pisces in the 12th house in her chart. The 12th house is how we connect to the universe, the god-source. Mars in Pisces is one of those funny oxymoronic placements – it makes one feel like a warrior for God. Because Pisces vibrates to the 12th house she has a double dose of this spiritual warrior stuff that flows right out into the world. (I could say that craps all over the world but I am really, really trying to be nice here.)
Even spookier – she has a retrograded Neptune (ruler of Pisces) conjunct her Vesta in the 7th house. In English, that means that she is dedicated (Vesta) to bringing her somewhat deluded spiritual views to people on a very personal level (7th House.) In other words, she is frustrated proselytizer. She really believes this stuff. It is a part of her big time.

The bad news for liberals is her Venus (albeit it retrograded), Mercury conjunction in Gemini in the 3rd house – the natural house of Gemini. Retrogrades remember are pauses for karma and they cause the person to have issues in these areas that they should reflect upon and work out.). Venus, the goddess of beauty along with the communicator Mercury in Mercury and in Mercury’s house means she is not to be underestimated when it comes to her ability to communicate. She has some talents in that area.

The good news is that with these retrogrades and with the arrogant Aries rising she will say things that will shock anyone comfortable with living in a world that has progressed past the year 1510. It won’t be because she is a goofball a la Palin; it will be because she believes them and is arrogant enough to think everyone should believe her word too. With her South Node also in Gemini, she has lots of life times of communicating to people and sadly she doesn’t think she is done with that yet.

Astrological Gift Baskets Are Here!

Photo by Eric G Brown

I am happy to tell you that I have teamed up with CandC Gift Baskets, to produce Astrological Gifts
Each basket is unique and will contain a frame- able astrological chart as well as a full 60 – 90 minute interpretation by yours truly on a thumb drive.

This is a wonderful wedding, birth, birthday or holiday gift and you won’t find a more personal gift!

Order them on the C and C website. or by calling 888 534 3660!

Get a jump on holiday shopping!

Retrograded Pluto – A Good Time to Refresh

Courtesy of Arlene Weinstock

Pluto has been in retrograde for the past few months and will not go direct again until September 16. Pluto is the planet of change and transformation – and makes us want to eliminate and release the old, outworn, outdated and obsolete in our lives. When Pluto goes retrograde, it is the perfect time to go deep within yourself – do some deep deep soul searching and get rid of the attitudes and ideas that simply don’t work anymore. Think of it as a house cleaning of your inner workings

Ask yourself the questions – what do I really need in my life – what do I really want – what is working for me or what I am doing because I feel I should. THere is nothing worse than a bad case of the shoulds. It is a time to ask – who do I want to be when I grow up (no matter your age.)

Pluto which rules Scorpio, the detective of zodiac, wants us to investigate – go deep and investigate – those patterns that don’t work for us. This isn’t a time for lying to yourself or anyone else. It is a time for brutal honesty. This job, this relationship, this activity — does it really serve me or am I doing it because (insert reason here)?

This is a time for regeneration – for detoxing not only the body but the entire lifestyle you now have Get quiet, go deep and be honest. Get rid of what no longer works and make way for the new fruitful ways of life.

Look at your personal chart and see where Pluto is now transiting. (I can whip one up for you.) That is the area that Pluto is calling you to examine and change. Use the retrograde – heed the call of Pluto – if he isn’t heard he will cause a change – change or be changed. Isn’t it better to be in control of the change?

Astrology of Sea Gulls

Last week we made the Earth changing revelation about the astrological make up of lobsters…this week it is sea gulls. No, I am not joking.  Here in Maine the sea gulls rule to skies over the Atlantic and with their screaming squawks and cries they let you know they are around. It is hard to describe the noises they make. It is a cross between a cry and a war whoop. Mercury conjunct Uranus I said to myself – what else could make such a crazy voice! If you are old enough to remember Howard Cosell, the sports commentator, you remember his very distinctive voice. He epitomized a Mercury (the planet of communications) conjunction Uranus – the wild and unpredictable planet.  If you hear a funny voice think Mercury in Aquarius or aspected with Uranus (the planet that rules Aquarius.)

Gulls live in noisy, packed communities which they leave to scavenge for food. Fourth house cusp – the cusp of family and roots – must be opened by Aries. Aries, the ancient god of war, would be a perfect setting for a noisy, active home life occupied by scavengers! I would even say that Mars, the planet that rules Aries, is in Aries natally in the chart of our gull friends. There is just way too much male energy in those communities.

To those of you who think I may have gone off the edge with the animal astrology bit don’t worry. It is just a fun way to explain the many way astrology can play out. Besides, the only other things I have seen around here are chipmunks, moose and skunks….no matter how hard I try I just don’t have it in me to try to figure out what makes them tick.

The Astrology of Lobsters – Part 2 – The Real Lobsters….

Courtesy of Arlene Weinstock

So I am up in Maine making my annual escape from the Virginia heat and I am trying to think of a blog entry. Maine is conducive to many things including deep introspection but for some reason my imagination is failing me…. what to write what to write? My mind wanders. I had a lobster Cobb salad last night – very yummy. Lobster – that is it – I will write the Astrology of Lobsters. Now that is silly, Joan, I hear my subconscious saying. How can you know the exact day and time that lobsters came into being on Earth? I can’t of course but I when in doubt – heck, make things up. It works for the news media, why not me?

So with the help of Wikipedia I present to you the real Astrology of lobsters. “Lobsters…have blue blood due to the presence of haemocyanin, which contains copper.” Blue blood? They must have Leo rising. After all, Leo is the king – the ruling lion of the Zodiac. Think about it – even though they often wind up on our dinner plates, they do demand a king’s ransom before allowing us to eat them. There is nothing cheap and tawdry about them. How Leo of them. Besides, how do you think they got that big claw? It had to be from preening their shells!

Again thanks to Wiki I learned that, “Recent research suggests that lobsters may not slow down, weaken, or lose fertility with age. In fact, older lobsters are more fertile than younger lobsters. This longevity may be due to telomerase, an enzyme that repairs DNA sequences of the form “TTAGGG.”
A ha – they must have Venus in Aries! Aries is the masculine, fire sign – if you want an aggressive lover find an Aries. Go Lobsters.

As for Moon sign – I have to go with Pisces. After all, for all of their airs, they do wind up on your platter more often than not, a martyr to Man’s insatiable appetite. They might even jump into the traps to save another – cuter – species – now that would be a very Piscean move.

So the next time you are pouring butter over one of these crustacean friends, remember his Leo and give him due homage, remember his Aries and keep the antacid close by in case his fire burns in your stomach and don’t forget to thank him for his sacrifice.

Gotta go – there is a new restaurant on Goose Rocks Beach that has oven roasted lobster on their menu. I can’t miss that.

The State of the Union — Continued

Last week I started to talk about the progressed chart of the United States because my acupuncturist asked me, “What in the world is going on with the U.S. right now?”

One really fascinating placement is our progressed Chiron, our wound issue, is in the 1st house in Sagittarius. Chiron is where we carry a wound so deep that we don’t want to go near it – it is like a nagging pain we don’t want to aggravate.  With Chiron in Sagittarius in our first house – the house of who we are it is a good time to come to reckoning with our spiritual truth. I happen to think this is the last hurrah of hard right spiritual forces in our political arena. Yes, it might be wishful thinking but this Chrionic wound issue will soon be in the 12th house – and while it will be even stronger it will once again be “underground.” The 12th house is the hidden house – the first house is the house of how we project in the world.

Chiron is loosely opposed to Mars in Gemini in the 7th – as these two pull away and Chiron recedes into the 12th house – the vocal, vigilant and some cases violent hard “religious right” should have their power weakened. However, don’t for one minute think they will go gentle into that good night.

I tend to be a pessimist when it comes to the future of this country. However, I am happy to see that Sun and Venus are transiting the 8th house – that is actually a good sign for us. Sun and Venus in the house of power and personal transformation are transiting over our progressed ascendant and our North Node. Venus was the goddess of beauty and love but she also dealt with money. We forget how much of an influence Venus has on money. (Mercury is the flow of money – Venus is the personal gaining of money.) Hopefully, President Obama will hang strong and force Congress to make some good long term financial decisions.

The stars are working in our favor – that doesn’t mean we won’t still screw it up! Perhaps if more people call and crash a few websites on the House they will come to their senses.