Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Pisces? How cool is that?

Yes kids, Jupiter and Uranus are now spinning around the universe in 29 and 28 degrees of Pisces respectively – hugging quite close to one another. What does it mean to have the broad, expansive seeker of truth (Jupiter) conjunct with Uranus, the quick change artist, in that nebulous sign of Pisces? Keep in mind – and this is something people often forget — you will only feel the effects of transits if they trigger something in your birth chart. For instance, if you were born with Mars in Pisces, when it comes around to Pisces again you are going to feel it. Someone born with Mars in Aries isn’t going to feel a Mars in Pisces transit. Uranus and Jupiter don’t come back around to the signs in which we were born in our lifetimes (unless we live well into our 90s) so you will feel the impact of these two if they are in aspect to your Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury or Venus (the personal planets.)

For the most part, two outer planets making a strong conjunction throw more of an influence over society as a whole than to individuals.

Ok that over with; let’s see what is cooking with Jupiter and Uranus. Jupiter in Pisces is a time when mystical tendencies and religious fervor are at a peak. Uranus in Pisces heightens intuition and heightens spiritual awareness. Hmmm….none of that going on in the world right now!

Ok you want another twist? Of course you do. Both planets are in retrograde right now. That means they look as though they are going in reverse in the sky. Astrologically it indicates a time when those energies of that planet have to find a new way of expressing themselves. It is as though the normal channel is clogged and the energy has to make a new pathway.

I can’t help but feel that the current Tea Party craziness and Fox media stars attempting to portray themselves as preachers bringing religion to American government are all a part of this sideways Jupiter/Uranus energy. Yeah I know I thought the religious right was gone for good too.

Threats of Koran burning, lies about “Ground Zero Mosques” – these are all expressions of this heightened energy too

Jupiter and Uranus will stay in this conjunction until late April 2011 so hang on kids. Let’s just hope cooler heads can keep them hosed down before they do any real damage


I recently finished reading The River of Doubt: Theodore Roosevelt’s Darkest Journey, by Candice Millard, a fascinating book detailing the ex-President’s harrowing trek through the wilds of South America. I dubbed the book “20 goofballs on a boat.” What would make anyone do something like that is beyond me- then again, I define “roughing it” as staying at a hotel where room service ends at midnight.

As I kid, I was fascinated by TR, as we seem to call him now. He was the first Scorpio President I had come across. (There were actually five Scorpio Presidents – the most of any sign, I might add. Well OK Scorp is tied with Aquarius .) In addition, his birthday on October 27 is one day away from mine on the 26th. I liked TR…then I started to read more about him.

There is much about the President that is admirable. Born a sickly, asthmatic child, he built his strength through sheer stamina and hard work. He also continued with a speech while President with a would-be assassin’s bullet lodged in his chest. His exploration and protection of the wild areas of America led to the National Park System and he wrecked havoc on big corporations that were bleeding workers in the early 20th Century.

However, his sheer love of war, his need to destroy opponents and his inability to compromise make him a hard role model.

At first look his chart stunned me a little. Pisces rising? Pisces rising? (Check my entry on Pisces on the first house to see why I was shocked at that.) Pisces rising is not one to run around charging into battle and yelling “bully” with decisiveness. To make things more interesting, he has the ruler of Pisces, Neptune in the first house – that is double dose of what should be a somewhat dreamy, rather confused – hard to fit into the world persona.

What is going on here?

The asthma, the sickly body – yup, that is Neptunian for sure. The dreams of preserving the wilderness, of charging up San Juan Hill and other great adventures, building the biggest Navy, starting a new political party – yes, that too is Neptunian. However, most Pisces rising can get stuck in their dreams. (I always say Walter Middy was a Pisces just like Scarlett O’Hara was the perfect Aries. Hmm, I see blog posts on fictional characters!)

What fueled his dreams? Look for your answer in the stellium on the top of his chart. A stellium is five or more bodies in conjunction with one another. He has Venus in conjunction with Ceres, Vesta, Juno and the Black Moon, Lilith, all in Sagittarius in his 9th and 10th house – the houses of international affairs and career and government. Hello! Ceres, mother earth, the care giver to the world, Vesta, the burning hearts desire, Juno, the sign of loyalty and devotion to a person or cause and Lilith the rule breaker all in the fire sign of Sagittarius, which itself vibrates to the 9th house. This is fire, this is energy, and this is go out in the world and do.

That stellium literally allowed him to put his dreams into actions.

Now, had he not been born into a wealthy family – had not had a father who told him to go out and heal his body and work to make it strong…could he just as easily have wound up sitting behind a desk dreaming of great exploits his whole life? You bet he could have! There is more the life than an astrological chart! It is the road map – if we have the ability or desire to follow it we do. If not, we go off the highway.

And then there is Mars in Capricorn. Mars, the god of war, is in the sign that rules 10th house – fueled by the Capricorn giving him a structure and way to channel his energy. This energy was particularly fueled by emotional hurts. Roosevelt lost his first wife and mother on the same day. His first reaction was typically water sign (Pisces rising, Scorpio Sun). He went away into the wilderness alone – expressing his grief by conquering the Nature that took away his loved ones. When he returned he would be ready to fire ahead on some great project.

In fact, he took this trip to South America after he lost the Presidency to Woodrow Wilson. This was part of the typical retreat and re-attack pattern. The trip would eventually lead to his early death so there wasn’t much attack left in him upon his return. Returning alive was the miraculous part.

He did live to see the death of a son in World War I. This would be horrible to any parent, of course, but to one who so championed war and adventure it was even worse. Roosevelt carried heavy guilt over that. In addition, several other sons were injured in the War. Take note of Saturn in his 5th house, the house of creativity and children. Where we see Saturn, we see a depression – a restriction in that area. Many Saturn 5th house people can’t have children. Those that do will often have problems with their off spring.

Roosevelt also was the father of fiery Alice Longworth Roosevelt of whom he said, “I can either run the country or I can attend to Alice, but I cannot possibly do both. Enough said about Saturn in the 5th.

TR was a fascinating mix of introspective water and unbridled fire. That combined with some strong DNA and unlimited opportunities made for one remarkable character who for better or worse will live in the history books of America as long as it does.

If you aren’t as organized as Teddy Roosevelt contact Julie Gray at Profound Impact

Ben Franklin Boldly Lived His Chart

Ok I promised I would look at Ben Franklin’s chart and, as usual, Ben does not disappoint. In fact, his chart is so easy it explains itself! Look at his Aries ascendant with Neptune in the first – Aries, the sign of the leader combined with Neptune the dreamer. How many of Ben’s dreams that he used his Aries leadership energy to invent do we still use? The Franklin Stove, the postal service, bifocals and the lightening rod, to name a few.

More fascinating is his second house. He has Saturn, the Part of Fortune and his South Node in Taurus all in the second house, the house of self worth and possessions. (Taurus vibrates to the second house – so this is a double whammy of Taurian power here.) The first thing that jumps out is that Ben had very good karma in that area from his past lives. Taurus South Node – this is someone who dealt with money and goods in his past life- and he did a good, honest job of it because he was able to retire from his printing job at thirty years old and live quite well. The Part of Fortune is where we receive benefit from others. It is clear that he was able to receive a great deal of good will from others from the treatment he gave them in prior lives.

When you add the task master Saturn in Taurus to the second house you see someone who applies the stubbornness of Taurus and the methodical thinking of Saturn to amass a nice fortune for himself and his family.

Ah speaking of family! Look at this 5th house, the house of creativity and the ultimate creative act, having children. We see the trickster Uranus there – the one sudden change and just a deep level of quirkiness. We know that Franklin blamed himself his entire life for the loss of his young daughter from small pox because he didn’t give her the new vaccine. In addition, his son was illegitimate although raised by his wife as her own. His son became governor of the State of New Jersey and remained loyal to the Crown. The kicker here is that Franklin and his son suddenly and irrevocably split at the beginning of the Revolutionary war yet, Franklin would raise his son’s son – who by the way was also illegitimate.

Franklin was estranged from his own father and ran away from the printing shop of his older brother. Did I say Uranus makes things quirky?

I have to smile when I see his Sun in Capricorn in the 10th house – the house of career status and the structures that keep society whole – and his Venus also Capricorn 10 but sitting right on the Mid Heaven. The Mid Heaven is the vibration for our career. Can you see how it was easy for Ben to charm the pants (perhaps literally) off of French society as he tried to get them to side with the Colonies? He imported coon skin hats – something he never wore back home – but which furthered the image of the wild Colonist which the French just loved. He was the toast of France. (Much to the chagrin of the dour John Adams who despised Franklin. Ut oh. I see a synastry chart of these two in my near future.)

Why did he spend so much time overseas? Between London, Paris and Amsterdam, Franklin spent more than thirty years in Europe. Take a look at his 9th house, the house of seeking beyond our borders – of seeking and learning the ways of other cultures and other religions to find our own truth. He has Mars in its ruling sign of Aries, Pallas Athena, the warrior/healing goddess and Vesta, the goddess of the burning heart’s desire also in Aries in the 9th. If this was a chart of someone who didn’t have the Taurus and Pisces influences his does, we could be seeing the chart of an invading military authority. Franklin is more nuanced that that. Yes it was a time of war and he was there doing the bidding of country at war but he used the more placid aspects of his chart to finesse out of these countries what was needed for battle.

He also has Chiron, the sacred wound indicator in the 9th. He was born with a fear of not knowing he could connect to the sacred, or would not find his own truth. He didn’t shirk from this fear however. I believe his alms giving to different religions was really part of his search.

His wife, by the way, never left America and spent most of their marriage managing his affairs here as he charmed his way through Europe. In fact, he didn’t even return when he was told she was sick and then died. Remember the shadow of Aquarius (which is in his 5th) is the inability to get close to people – a very impersonal touch. The 5th vibrates to creativity and also has an influence in finding marriage partners. His marriage was tinged with co-dependence. He has Juno, the goddess consort in Libra in the 7th, the house of partnership. Libra rules his 7th house. Libra is all about the other person. Someone embodying the positive effects of Libra would be very caring toward the partner. With his Jupiter opposite dreamy Neptune – he was off shooting the Moon and having quite the co-dependent relationship with Debra, who remained behind, raising the kids and keeping the house.

See his Moon in Pisces in the 11th house? He was using this very spiritual Moon in the house of group friendship and group activities that help the public good – to work his Venus charm to forge a new nation! His Moon also explains another aspect of his personality. Franklin was a vegetarian who believed in reincarnation who gave money to pretty much every church in the Philadelphia area. While he was not a person who believed in organized religions, he had a strong Piscean belief that we all must find a connection to the universal god-source. At his funeral, representatives from every church marched in the procession.

I don’t think there is much doubt that Franklin embodied and lived his North Node in Scorpio in the 8th house – that is the sign and the house of personal power and transformation. His North Node is conjunct the goddess asteroid Ceres (which is now considered a mini-planet). Ceres was the Roman name for what we call Mother Nature and was the ultimate nurturer. By using his personal power and transforming himself from printer to inventor to diplomat to statesman, Franklin nurtured an imprinted a new nation as no other “Founding Father” did.

Next time, Thomas Jefferson. In this day of hatred, religious intolerance and a total lack of knowledge by some of our Constitution and the ideals of those “Founding Fathers”, it is important to look at this Father who kept a Koran in his home and held an Iftar in the White House.

Unity March September 12, 2010

I am so tired of hate and fear mongering in our current dialogue and discrimination against religions some deem lesser than theirs. However, I want to talk about positive events and not dwell on the negative. I will leave that the so called “main stream media” who loves to churn fear into ratings.

On September 12, 2010 at 12:30 PM – there will be an interfaith Unity Walk in Washington DC – promoting peace and understanding among people of all religions and spiritual ideas.


(Hold onto your hats kids. Ramadan ends on September 11 this year.)

You know, Ben Franklin was a vegetarian who believed in reincarnation – (dang I have to do his chart!) but he contributed money to temples and churches of all faiths and denominations because he believed so fiercely in religious freedom. Where are you now BEN? Well, he is in the hearts, minds, souls and soles of those of us who will march together on the 12th.

I am sure the media will pay much more attention to the hate marches that will take place on the 11th, which this year also marks the ends of Ramadan but it is important to be a part of brotherhood, don’t you think?

Of course, I had to whip up a chart for the day – and two things struck me. First, there are 4 “planets’ in the 12th house – the house the deals with our connection to the cosmic consciousness – the universal source. Mars and Venus are in conjunction with one another – giving marchers the strength of Mars energy behind our ideals of a more beautiful world. Mars is in Libra; the sign of the dealing with other but Venus is already in Scorpio – the sign of passion.

Also in the 12th are the Moon and the asteroid Pallas Athena both in Scorpio. The city of Athens was named after Pallas – she is the goddess of war and healing. (She killed and then she healed.) This conjunction indicates a fruitful environment for sympathetic understanding and a rapport among people on a very deep, visceral and emotional level. A wonderful time for a unity walk.

In the 5th house, the house of creativity, we have a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces. OK, here is the fun part, Pisces vibrates to the 12th house- that house of our connection with the universe, higher ideals, the god-source etc. Jupiter is all about expansion, and cultural and religious exchanges and going beyond our village to understand how other people survive and thrive. Uranus, rules Aquarius, is the epitome of brotherhood and understanding. (Yes, let’s all sing the song –“This is the dawning….”)

Putting those two together is a harbinger for a wonderful day of unity. Right? Well, yes but there is a rub. Both planets are in retrograde – which means they need a new and different way of expressing themselves.

The way I see, the unity walks here in Washington and others in major cities around the country will NOT be headline news. No, we will see all of the hate speech and signs instead. We just have to hope that there are others who have turned away from the main stream media and have found other avenues for peace and understanding.

August 28, 2010 – and I don’t like it.

I recently posted to my Facebook page a note about there being no hope for American politics if the allegedly unbiased media allows stories of hate and disinformation such as the so called ground zero mosque to distort reality. Progressives have almost no outlet for information dissemination with FOX, the arm of the radical elements of the GOP, spewing distortions on a 24-7 basis and the main stream media lapping up everything they say and pushing it out as viable news. (Remember Shirley Sherrod?) It is one stream of nonsense after another blown up as a major news story and then drummed into our brains over and over.

On August 28th Glenn Beck is planning another hate-a-palooza here in Washington, called the “Restoring Honor Rally.”  He claims he had no idea it was the anniversary of the historic Martin Luther King speech on the same Washington Mall. Oh please..and they just happen to be having the rally on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, right?

Astrologically it will be a busy day over Washington. Mars and Venus will be in conjunction in Libra in the first house. Libra, whose shadow is co-dependence and looking for excuses in the “other” – will have a field day with these whiners who we never heard from when Pres. Bush was running up the huge deficits we have now but squawk when President Obama buys a diet Pepsi.

Mars, the ancient god of war, will do his best to add fire and vitriol to the nonsense that poor Mr. Lincoln will have to sit quietly by and listen to all morning.  To make matters worse, Saturn, the task master,  and Vesta, the asteroid which depicts the spot of our fervent heart’s desire – of extreme dedication – will also be in conjunction with the Venus/Mars duo. It will bring out the the hard core haters and we may be very shocked even by this crowd with what we hear.

If that isn’t interesting enough, the emotional Moon will be in Mars – again the god of war – and in the 7th house – the house ruled by Libra – vibrating to the energy “other person.”  I don’t see tell tale signs of violence here – but emotions could get out of hand.

It will be a day of anger squared which will be carried for hours on end by the press. I for one, am tired of it and am very glad that the NAACP will also be on hand to take another stand against hate.

The Astrology of Lobsters – the State of Maine

Still in Maine- smelling the ocean air as I write this. Just had the best lobster spring rolls at the Kennebunkport Inn but that is not the purpose of this blog. Maine became a state on March 15, 1820 as a part of the Henry Clay orchestrated Missouri Compromise. This allowed Missouri to come into the Union as a slave state and Maine, a former arm of the Massachusetts Colony, as a free state. Maine also became the first state to provide freedom and voting rights to all men regardless of color…yes, darn it, only men.

I ran a chart for Maine on their Statehood date – and used the city of Portland as “birth place” because it was the capitol of the State until the 1840’s. Wow – does it surprise me that everyone here is so friendly and it is State where people come to the aid of their neighbors?  People come up to you on the street if you look the least little bit lost and go out of their way to give your car the right away. Look at that 11th house! A Stellium is when there are five or more planets in one house. Maine has seven planets, asteroids and stars in the 11th. This is the house of social, group interaction.

The Sun is conjunct Pluto in the 11th so the life force of the State undergoes change and transformation – it came in as a tail end of Massachusetts, a northern wasteland many thought a throw away used only to get Missouri into the Nation with as minimal amount of bloodshed as possible. Now it is one of America’s premier vacation lands and our chief supplier of lobster and blueberries. 

Interestingly enough Maine’s North Node is in Aries in the 11th so as a State it will realize its full potential as a leader in group humanitarian activities. Hmmm, what did I say about Maine being the first state to provide freedom and voting rights to men of all races? I think it got off to a good start and it has been making up to women every since.  Currently, both Maine Senators are female and Margaret Chase Smith served as Senator from 1949 – 1973 and was the first woman to have her name entered as a presidential candidate by a major political party in 1964.

With the Moon and Mercury also in Aries in 11th it is easy to see how the image of the no-nonsense, straight shooting New Englander came about. They say what they mean and they don’t ramble on about it.

Maine always suffers from the “red headed step sister” image to its sexier New England states. While it did have the Bush’s of Kennebunkport (too bad it is such a pretty little town), it couldn’t compete with the Kennedy’s of Cape Cod. Think of New England sports and skiing in Vermont and New Hampshire come to mind. It takes a few minutes to think of the summer sports on the miles of beaches and the skiing in winter of Maine. The cause for this? I believe it is in the 8th house -the house of personal power. Maine has Neptune there – the planet that deals with spirituality – and Uranus – the quirky quick change artist in conjunction with one another in the 8th. Neptune is great in the spiritual realm and there believe me if you can’t meditate and zone out while looking out from the craggy beaches into the blue clear ocean you will never be able to do so anywhere else. On the physical plain, however, Neptune causes illusion and confusion. People don’t have a clear image of Maine except for lobsters.

Neptune and Uranus together “dooms” Maine to a fuzzy existence without a clear and easy definition. However, I think they wouldn’t want it any other way. It is as though Mainers are saying if you are lucky enough to find us we will be your friends forever.  I am so glad I found you Maine – and hope to be your friend for a long time.

Sorry, have to go – I see a long walk on the beach in my near future. Did I say this place is amazingly spiritual?

The Astrology of Lobsters

Today I am writing to you from the shore of the Kennebunk River which feeds into the Atlantic Ocean up here in Maine. Maine – where you can sleep on the second floor with your windows open in August…where you fall asleep to the distant mournful call of the ever alert fog horns and wake up to the clanking of the ship bells. Maine – where you can start growing claws from eating fresh lobster but get all your antioxidants from the blueberries which are everywhere. Ah…..

It is here on the banks of the river that you can also see astrology in action. Every morning and every evening the tides rush to an recede from the shores – every 12 hours and 24 minutes without fail. When the tide is out the river basin is so exposed that you can actually walk across the rocky floor. When the tide comes in the water is so high it rises the boats that had been asleep on the rocks and you are lucky to get an inch or two into the river bed without falling to your hips in water. Cold water I might add – the water never heats up here even in August. 

That my dear friends is astrology in action. It is taken for granted even in the least spiritual circles (although I can’t account for birthers or non-evolutionists because who knows what goes on in their heads) that the Moon controls the tides. Let me repeat that – the Moon controls the tides.

We also get the word lunatic from the Latin for Moon –Luna– because people act oddly during the full Moon.  When I worked as a lobbyist for an engineering association many  button down collar, conservative  engineer types admitted that many nuclear power plants put extra security on during the full Moon because of the increased threats.

OK so the Moon controls the tides and our emotions. Why then is it so odd to think that the Sun influences our inner life force and Mercury our thought patterns and Mars our masculine warrior energy? Is it OK for the Moon to do things because we can’t help but prove it’s power over our lives so we have to accept it?
So many people who accept the concept of full Moon madness scoff at astrology without realizing how incongruous their argument.

Think about it – I know I will but first it is time for another lobster roll.

Happy Birthday Mr. President

Barack Obama will turn 49 years old on August 4th. Sorry – I am going to do a little political rant – so if you aren’t into politics skip this paragraph. Yes, to all who say he is aloof he does have the lion energy of Leo the King at his core. Deal with it. I am sorry, I like the man and I think he has passed a heck of a lot of legislation while trying to clear 8 years of errors in a very short time period. Is he perfect? Has he done everything 100 percent correctly? No. He does have the problem of being human. However, he is smart and doing his best to get us back on the right track.

My diatribe over let’s look at his chart on the eve of his birthday. What I constructed above is a tri wheel. In the middle is his birth chart – his natal chart. The center is his progressed chart. A progressed chart is simply a marking of how the planets have moved in his chart only since his birth. A progressed chart is unique to each person. The largest outer chart marks the transits of the planets on any particular day – these are the same for everyone living in Washington, DC in this case.

Anyone can get a tri-wheel of progression at any time to see what influence the planets are having on your life at that moment.

The first thing that I notice is that his progressed Mercury and Mars are in Libra in the 12th house. Typically the 12th house is one of withdrawal. Planets in the 12th house are often muted and turned inward. Ironically, I was born with Mars and Mercury in the 12th house in Libra – writing is easier than speaking for me and it has taken me years to express my Mars anger and drive overtly and not look for vengeance and to just seethe inwardly.

With his progressed Mercury and Mars in the 12th and in the co-dependent sign of Libra it is no wonder that his orations have been missing the mark of late. It also accounts for his extreme concern with the “other side”. Libra is all about caring way too much about helping other – being co-dependent. This progression will remain in place until early next year…so those of like who like his speeches and want a little more fire will be disappointed for a bit longer.

Even Pallas Athena – the asteroid of androgynous female healing power is transiting his 12th house. So he has a lot of power bottled up in 12.

I am glad he is going on “The View” tomorrow – because transiting Mercury (unlike progressed) is in the 10th house – the house of social status and in conjunction with his natal Uranus and natal Lilith. Lilith is the asteroid who shows where we want to defy society. So he should have a good time with some of the wackier members of the panel.

So wait until next year you fire and brimstone Progressives – our Barack will be back.

The Clash of Mars and Saturn

Last week I was speaking about astrology to a group when I mentioned that there is precious little difference between Hitler’s and JFK’s charts… except Hitler had that bad Mars- Saturn combination going on which made him a little – shall we say. scum sucking evil. They both had the bull eye’s for charisma and the ability to sway people with speech – it is just Hitler had a bad combination of Mars and Saturn which, when badly aspected is often an indication for violence. The only time when I am doing a synastry chart of two people that I really lay things on the line and say, hey be careful here, is when I see the Mars of one person badly aspected the Saturn of another. That often indicates a propensity for violence in the relationship.

Because the universe just loves synchronicity, I then was asked to do a chart for a person who then tells me he has not a clue when he was born because he was adopted twice and the state in which he was born did not put the time on birth certificates. Hmm. No time. That is an astrologers nightmare because time tells us the rising sign – the indicator of how we express ourselves in the world. It also places all the planets and asteroids in the proper houses.

Through the process of rectification we can try to find the birth time or get close to it so I asked him a few questions. Of course, he had a disrupted home life – 4th house – but I wanted to know if it was just odd or truly burdensome. The tale he told would put Dickens to shame. He was adopted at birth because his parents couldn’t afford another child but his adoptive mother died when he was still a child. Then he was then adopted by an abusive family which he escaped from at 18 and never looked back. Yes, I would say that was burdensome.

When someone is suffering from limitations or burdens I often look to Saturn. Now I know you Capricorns will get all over me but I am sorry – Saturn is an indicator of restriction and boxing in – where you see Saturn in a birth chart it shows the area where people carry worry and concern or are restricted in. When doing a transit chart, Saturn shows us where we are feeling pain and burden at that time.

Had he told me a story of generally happy but changeable home life, adopted here and then suddenly moved to another house I would have looked to the quick change artist Uranus. His story was all very Saturnine, however.

When I computed the chart I noticed something else interesting. On that day, Mars and Saturn were almost in conjunction (sitting right next to) one another. Ah ha – Mars and Saturn – violence – I placed this Mars and Saturn combo toward the middle of his 4th house because the violence began when he was seven and ran the chart from there. I told him to see if the interpretation I did for him resonated in other areas to see if we had hit the hit the right timing and indeed it did. Bingo!

I am so glad he got out of that situation and has not let it shade his adulthood. He is amazingly well adjusted for having gone through that Hell. Saturn and Mars dealt him a bad hand but he overrode it….well Dickens always liked a happy ending.

The House – the angles

As promised I am going to explore each of the houses of the Zodiac. Of course, I won’t go in order – what fun is order? (The darned rising air sign always acts up on me.) However, I am starting with the first house because it is the first of the angular houses – 1, 4, 7 and 10. These are houses of high importance and actually act as anchors of the chart. For instance, yours truly here has NO Earth signs in her char. Not one planet was in an Earth sign when I was born. I am all air and water with a dash of fire thrown in. Now imagine a chart with no Earth to hold it down. I should always “out there” – never focusing – either in the depths of water’s mysteries or just flipping around the atmosphere. (Another reason I hate to go in order.) However, if you look at the angles – the sign on the cusps of those angular houses you see that I have pretty good anchors. Thank the universe for small favors.

My rising sign – is in Libra an air sign, yes but a cardinal sign – a sign of leadership. The cusp* of the 4th house anchor is Capricorn – a cardinal Earth sign which vibrates to Saturn, the task master. My 7th house anchor is Aries – a fire sign but again it is cardinal. Finally my 10th house cusp is Moon Child – another cardinal sign this one in water. I have all 4 cardinal signs on my anchor (angular) houses. These keep me focused – give me a goal and give me the drive to succeed.

Fixed signs – Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius – are signs of strength and stubbornness and they vibrate to the second, fifth, either and eleventh houses. Mutable, more adaptable, less focused signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces vibrate to the third, sixth, ninth and twelfth houses.

That is why it is important to look at the entire chart. Without strong angular houses my chart interpretation would be vastly different. Next time, I will look at one of the angular houses…maybe the first; maybe the tenth….depends on how I feel. 🙂

*The cusps are the signs that sit at the door of each house. Look at the small outter wheel on the chart to find them.