Election Day 2012 – continued “The Girls Rule”

As I mentioned last week, with Mercury going retrograde on Election Day – there can be any number of tricks going on – voting machines breaking down, funny “contracts” being made, deceptions galore. Remember the last time and only other time Mercury turned retro on Election Day – 2000? Need I say more?

That said there are several good things in President Obama’s chart on that day. On this triwheel of his birth chart, progressed chart and then transit chart of the day, I am first drawn to progressed Venus conjuncting his Black Moon Lilith in the 7th house – the house of close contacts. Venus, of course, is the ultimate woman, Lilith is the ultimate “bad girl.” She is the rebel who said I do it my way not his way. Those two combined in the fiery sign of Leo leads me to think alot of peeved women are going to come together and give the President a boost on that day!

However, this is squaring a very strong Mars in the 10th – the house of career and public.  Now Mars (conjunct Juno) in the 10th is a good placement for the President – but when it squares his progressed Venus it makes me think that there will be a male -female battle that the women are going to have to win.

More on Mars next time.

Mercury Goes Retrograde on Election Day – Remember 2000?


I am starting to look at the 2012 election – turns out Mercury goes retrograde on election day. Now we have had elections during a Mercury retrograde but the only other time that Mercury turned retro right on election day was in 2000! You remember 2000 don’t you??

Personally, I don’t see history repeating itself exactly but I would keep a very close eye on election machines and missing ballots and all sorts of things that can go bump in the Universe.

I am still comparing the candidates. Both have strengths and weaknesses that day. Romney has a few more weaknesses but one really good placement that has me a bit hinky. I need to look more closely but I just have to share the “good news.”

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Venus on the first – Clinton and Limbaugh

After my little walk through Rush Limbaugh’s chart last week (don’t worry, I washed afterwards), I got thinking of another person with Venus in the first house – the house of personality – yes, it is Bill Clinton. OK Venus on the first house normally indicates someone who has a certain amount of appeal. Now my progressive friends stop making retching sounds, like him or not Rushie Boy wouldn’t have gotten this far if he didn’t appeal to a number of people! As for Clinton, well we all know how his appeal works.

 As I said last week, Rush’s Venus is in the quirky and rebellious Aquarius and carries some pretty heavy karma with it. Basically his mouth is compensating for a whole host of inadequacies.

President Clinton’s Venus is in its ruling sign – Libra – which increases his sexual appeal. He doesn’t haven’t to rely on rebellion he can rely on the sexual energy of Libra – and –oh boy is this a hoot —his Venus is conjunct both Neptune and Venus! So he has a double dose of Venus energy – Venus is the sign of the woman – and of sexuality and of physical appeal. Add Neptune to the mix – with its air of unreality and well you can see the issues he had.

Two Venus placements in the first bring both of their people to some prominence but they don’t yield the same results – it is all about the aspects they make with other planets.

You Knew It Was Coming — The Rush-ster

OK my progressive friends hold onto your hats. But this chart makes me sad. If I didn’t know this belonged to Rush Limbaugh, I would actually have some sympathy for the person who had to carry this chart around for a lifetime.

With his retrograded Mercury (in the 11th house – the house of group contacts) squaring a retrograded Saturn that is in the 8th house, the house of personal power,it is clear that all of his bluster and bravado is covering up some deep seeded power and education issues. Mercury retrogrades often produce people with learning disabilities, problems expressing their true thoughts and in general being heard and understood. His Mercury is also next to the sign of the sacred wound, Chiron. We know Rush wasn’t a stellar student.

I can see a little Rush, overweight, not very smart, not popular – not being in his power and having big problems with authority figures (all that retrograded Saturn.). Brings a tear to your eye doesn’t it?

The fact that he was able to parlay his Venus on the ascendant ( a sign of creativity and appeal) into quite a career is actually a testament to the old boy. Even if he does spread lies and hatred – hey we can’t be perfect. That Venus is in Aquarius the sign of the rebel and his rising sign is Aquarius so there is a big call to be different and shocking.

Venus in Aquarius also indicates the ability to have an unusual romantic life. I will say no more!

It is the karma Mitt

Sometimes Astrology makes me laugh out loud. I can’t “predict” who is going to win Michigan tonight mostly because we don’t have a full chart on Santorum. (Since he doesn’t have a full deck to play with I guess that is fair.) However, and this is what made me laugh, looking at Mitt Romney’s current situation it seems that he is dealing with a bit of karma.

I know triwheels can be confusing – but what this is showing is his birth chart way in the center, his progressed planets – how they have moved since he was born – and the big wheel on the outside is current planet placements in the sky. Just look at the 12th house, it is opened by Aries, but then Taurus comes in and intercepts it. (I am working with the cusp wheel – the thin wheel running around the outside.) All interceptions show a pause for karma.

So right now he is dealing with karma around Aries and the 12th house and Libra and the 6th house. Libra intercepted on the 6th house means that is now dealing with karma around being of proper service to people in the past. So even in the past he was polishing his cars instead of being taking care of his fellow Man and now it is coming home to roost. Aries intercepted on the 12th points to someone who was too involved with self and not with “the brotherhood of Man.”

It seems he can’t help talking about his wealthy life – he can’t help showing his disconnect right now. This phase will pass by mid March – will it be too late? Will he be able to make amends for all the dopey, snobby things he is saying now? I don’t know but I do know that this is a lovely manifestation of karma in action!

Rick Santorum – Taurus South Node

OK. I know several people have asked me to look at Rick Santorum’s birth chart. The problem is that his birth time is not public. Birth time is key to determining what the rising sign is and that tells us what the personality traits are of a person and it places the planets in the correct houses. I refuse to do a full chart based on a birth time of noon which is what is done when the time is unknown.  It just won’t be accurate.

However, we can learn a few things just by knowing the place and date of birth. Santorum has a South Node in Taurus and North in Scorpio. In general someone with this past life – current life access is someone who needs to find their personal power; they must face some kind of fear or even near death experience. They must go into the fire of life and be transformed by it. Taurus is epitomized by security at all costs, Scorpio loves the risk even the risk of death.

Coming from lives with a Taurus influence he only knows how to rely on his “gut instinct.” Stability and all that it represents – a “good” family, a dogmaticeee religion, safety, security are essential. He has to feel safe – he needs to be wrapped in the security blanket of life. Scorpio is pushing him to put himself out there – break the safety net but it is hard. Therefore, he wants to bring that blanket with him when he faces the world.

One of the shadows of a Taurus South Node is unbridled stubbornness. Is there anything more immovable than a bull?  So you will see him doubling down on his rather bizarre world and social views because they represent comfort to him. They are his Linus blanket.

At some point, in this life or the next or the next…you get my drift – something will happen that will force him out of his shell and open him up to face the world without that blanket but if and when is anyones guess.

Mitt Romeny – Uranus and Gemini In The First

I assume I will be talking a lot about Mitt in 2012. Although my progressive heart would love to see Newt as the GOP nominee I do think they will eventually nominate a beaten and bruised Romney.

One knock on Mitt is his shall we say flexibility. He has the amazing talent to be all things to all people – liberal governor of Massachusetts and author or “Romneycare” or conservative businessman. He adapts for the occasion.

Well no wonder! He has as an ascendant or rising sign – Gemini, the sign of duality and the twins. The ascendant is how we present ourselves to the world. Remember, in the ancient days the Sun Sign was a triviality. Who you were was determined mostly by the first house – the ascendant. This is a much better way of doing Astrology than the modern fascination with the Sun.

Also, in his first is wild and crazy Uranus, the electric, quick change artist! How can he not be a chameleon! His first house is all about change and duality…perfect for a politician but not in the days of instant replay when the many opinions can be played against one another.

Stay tuned…

Oh Newty – Newty

A few blog entries ago I said that there was going to be a big shift in Washington right after the New Year. While my peaceful Aquarius friend said it could bring in a peaceful time in Washington, I felt my snarky Scorpio interpretation would be more on target. That is, it would be a time when one side would go too far to real blow things out of the water. I do hate to say I told ya so but along came the reborn again – and again – and again – Newt Gingrich and his hate wagon appealing to the worst in all of us- also known as the Tea Party and kaboom!

Of course, I had to look up the Newtsters chart – there had to be some big fixed signs in there I thought. Low and behold fixed it is – a stellium of Leo planets and asteroids that straddle the 6th and 7th houses. Leo, the king of jungle – the Lord who demands that things be done his way.

Ironically, his North Node where he should be going toward is in Leo – however, I feel he is deeply ensconced in his Leo Chironic wound issue – the need to stand out – to be powerful to be heard and to be obeyed because secretly he feels inadequate in all of those areas. Chiron is trumping the North Node.  With his past life indicator, Aquarius South Node in the 12th, I can see him as part of  a wandering boys club – I could even see him as a warring crusader –  a part of an independent band of men who convinced themselves they were doing good by “killing for God” – hence he satisfied the Aquarius need to do good…  Very anti woman ( negative aspects to the “girl asteroids”– very much all about personal freedom and vanquishing the opponent.

Oh and if you are wondering why he has foot in mouth disease and is such a loose cannon, look at the ruler of his South Node, Uranus, sitting right next to Mercury, the communicator. Uranus is the quirky planet, and when it comes up next to Mercury the person will say whatever without much regard for consequences.

So there he is in a nutshell ensconced in his past warrior mode, suffering the slings an d arrows of a Chironic wound that he doesn’t seem to want to heal and saying whatever he feels his loyal bands of haters will want to hear so that he can stay in power. As an astrologer it makes me sad, but as a Progressive I say – have it Newt keep talking!

Don’t Discount The 99 Percenters

I should know better. Watching CNN is not good for the blood pressure but, silly me, I was doing it anyway. There was the new “Outfront” anchor Erin Burnett smugly mocking the people occupying Wall Street something no one at the major networks ever did with the Tea Party. As I typed out a furious email to CNN, I got to thinking about the movement and how important an impact it will make on America. According to the stars, no one would be wise to mock or discount this movement.

Keep your eye on Uranus, in the chart it looks like a pink H on a unicycle. In the past few months it has moved in Aries, the sign of the ancient god of war. Uranus is electric and quirky and is the harbinger of unique and sudden changes. Meld the two together and you get the energy for the beginnings of a off beat mass of angry people to coalesce into something to be reckoned with.

Now if you look at the chart of the USA, seen on the inside wheel above, you can see that Uranus has just moved into our 4th house, the house of roots and home. So electric warrior energy in the roots of who you are – anyone paying attention yet?

Don’t forget, simultaneously we have Pluto, the transformer, in the sign of Capricorn transiting our first house. Remember what I said when Pluto moved into Capricorn? This is will be harbinger of change in those structures which keep society together – the government, the banking system. Pluto moved into Capricorn in 2008 – need I say more.

These guys are poky – both of them will stay in their respective houses for years – well through the 2012 elections and several years beyond. I would tell all politicians not to take anything for granted and be prepared for anything. Nothing will be normal during this time.

Perry – a bit more

OK several people have asked me, “Does Rick Perry, like Bachmann, believe what he is saying or is it a political act?” My answer. It doesn’t matter to him. Deeply ensconced in his Libra South Node he will do what gets approval. Libra is all about the other person – about getting others to approve and accept you. When Texas was a Democratic state – no really it once was – really —— he worked for Al Gore. That got him the approval of the political powerful.  Now he embraces the radical right because they have overtaken Texas and the entire Republican Party. The more they approve of the nonsense he spews, the more he will do it.

The trick is that I don’t think he is capable of realizing that this stuff doesn’t play with thinking independent people. He is getting reinforcement from those closest to him – the circle of radicals. It is hard for him to pivot away from that and realize that he needs to appeal to a broader audience. He is hooked on the acceptance of those in his immediate area.