Lunar Eclipse Coming – Rebels Unite :)

At 9;44 AM Eastern time on November 28th there will be a full lunar eclipse. The Moon will be in Gemini, the Sun, of course, moved into Sagittarius on Thanksgiving. That is a lot of mutable energy. Both Gemini and Sagittarius are mutable signs. Signs are either cardinal which is leadership energy, fixed which is stable and unmovable energy and mutable which is an adjustable -get along – kind of energy.

Sadly, lunar eclipses have traditionally been associated with “dark energy” – gee could it be because the Moon is a feminine energy? Solar eclipses are “male” – creating action and change. Today we look at lunar eclipses as a time for inner change – a time to go inside and explore instead of exerting outward energy.

Don’t expect big revelations with this eclipse because of the mutability, however, it s a perfect time to do some evaluating of issues on the Gemini-Sagittarius axis, such as how you use your words, how you educate yourself and more importantly how you find and speak your truth.

The Moon will be in conjunction to the asteroid Lilith, the black moon, which is the ultimate rebellious woman and Jupiter, the expansive, truth seeking planet. Although Jupiter is still in retrograde* use this time to find your inner rebel and ways to express her.

Remember the saying goes, well behaved women rarely make history —- or come into their own!

*Jupiter is the last of the big, slower, outer planets that will be shifting signs and will do so in 2013. Look forward to some interesting Jupiter energy which I will discussing in the future.

Lunar Eclipse June 4.

Now that we have just come through the solar eclipse we are gearing up for the lunar one! A partial lunar eclipse will take place on June 4, 2012. Although it will only be visible in Europe, East Africa, Asia, Australia, Pacific and a small portion of the Americas the energy will be felt by all of us. An eclipse of the Moon takes place when the Moon is “full” and can only occur ifthe Moon passes through some portion of the Earth’s shadow. The closer the Moon is to the center of the shadow, the more total the eclipse. Astrologicaly speaking a lunar eclipse is a great time for new beginnings mostly because it can bring about some hum dinger of endings. When the Moon is “full” it is opposite the Sun – so there is a disconnect between emotions and action. It can be a time when all of those annoying little things at work or in a partner really hit home. If you are born during a lunar eclipse expect to have some emotional explosions throughout your life as you will be wrestling with this emotiona-action energy during your lifetime. So if you want to avoid fights or lose your job – hang tight for a few days around the eclipse! Then again if you are itching for a fight…………………….

Oh Stop Grumbling

I got a call from a friend yesterday. “What the heck is going on – it is a horrible day for everyone here?” Well calls like that send me right to my friendly computer to divine the answers from on high – yes, from Microsoft. Well there it was in black and white, sort of. The Moon is now conjuncting Saturn and it is “full” too boot.

Look to the left of the chart. See the crescent shape of the Moon sitting right next to the funky H, the symbol for Saturn? They are conjunct one another – meaning the influence of Saturn is all over the poor little Moon. Now is a “bad” thing but it does constrict things and can have a very depressive influence. So if the Moon rules emotions and Saturn is beating up on it – do you see where grumpiness can ensue? Don’t worry the Moon is a fast mover, it will be pulling away in a day or two. P.S. You can tell when the Moon is “full” when it is across from the Sun – the Sun is the circle with a dot in the middle. The further from the Sun, the more the Moon can “shine.”

It isn’t the Moon!

Several people have asked me this week if the goofiness they are feeling is due to a full moon. Nope, the moon isn’t full right now…the culprits lie in a tight conjunction between Mars, the communicator, and Uranus, the quick change artist, both in Aries. When these two come together communications are subject to sudden stops and starts. You can also hear people making outlandish statements and wild promises and there can be a great deal of aggressive speech going on. All of this is courtesy of the wild energy and rebelliousness of Uranus. Mars will move out soon so this won’t last much more than a few days. But then the full moon will be in full swing! 

I just love relgious holidays that follow the stars…!

Happy Easter and Happy Passover. I do just love religious holidays that have their roots in the movements of planetary bodies! Easter is calculated as the first Sunday after the paschal full moon that occurs on or after the vernal equinox. If the full moon falls on a Sunday, then Easter is the following Sunday. The holiday can occur anywhere between March 22 and April 25. Of course, since Passover came first it too follows an astronomical path. Passover begins on the night of a full moon after the northern vernal equinox.

While you are enjoying your Easter meal remember that the word derives from Eoestre the pagan celebration in honor of the young goddess who would shower d the countryside with eggs during the vernal equinox.

Which ever Spring celebration you partake in have fun and remember they are wonderful connections to the universe and the stars above us.

Moon and Jupiter – Appearing Together Now!

There are many spots on planet Earth, including the East Coast, where you can get a good shot of a Moon/Jupiter conjunction. For the next few nights look to the right of the silvery Moon and you will see a bright dot – that is Jupiter. The Moon is now 7 degrees Taurus, and retrograded Juptier is 3 degrees Taurus. Now we know that the Moon and Jupiter are NOT right next to one another in the sky; four degrees of Taurus is a long stretch of  property. However, it gives you a good idea of what we mean by a conjunction.

You can see this conjunction on the chart above. Look on the right side in the seventh house. You see a quarter Moon and then slightly downward is the big 4 – that is the symbol of Jupiter.  Charts are snapshots of the sky at a moment in time!

Catch the SUPERMOON on March 19th

courtesy of

Get out the binoculars… Sunday nights full Moon will be pretty.

The Moon hasn’t been this close to Earth in 19 years…so the full Moon will be about 15 percent brighter than usual! (And yes some people may be 15 percent battier than usual but who will notice!)

Some people are predicting all harbingers of evil to happen. WHY do we always thing something evil is going to happen? Isn’t there enough freaking evil around? It just means we might feel our emotions on a different, stronger level – see them more clearly.

The Moon will be moving from Virgo to Libra that night – so it is a good time to check our emotions in realtion those closest to us..not a good time to pick a fight with our spouse!

What Would the Moon Say?

courtesy of Arlenew

 I played a little game with my class at the Institute for Spiritual Development in Washington D.C. which I unofficially entitled “What would the Moon say?” I posed the scenario, what if a someone with a very strong Sagittarian influenced walked up each sign of the zodiac as it embodied the Moon and said something totally Sag. like, “Wow that dress makes you look like Orca!” You know how Sag. is about telling the truth – or I should say their truth. How would these Moons – our emotional barometers respond?

Aries wouldn’t mince words. An Aries Moon would just deck Sag. with one well placed blow to the side of the mouth. Now if this Aries Moon were in a daintier body then the words would flow and flow and flow until Sag. was duly chopped up and humbled.

Taurus on the other hand would pull herself up to full height; straighten her dress (which is a bit snug over the bull’s hips) and say. “I don’t think you are right Sag. This dress is made from the finest of silkworms. I flew to China to oversee the spinning myself.” She would then huff off comforting herself with a box of the finest of Swiss chocolates.

“This dress? This dress is too tight? Really? How can that be I researched the purchase of this dress for three weeks? I tried on 18 different dresses. I went to 7 stores and then….” As Gemini was still babbling on Sag. runs away in self defense.

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.” Yes, that was Moon Child running off in tears. She will stay in her crab shell for weeks pouting and weeping.

Leo the Lions’ reaction is a wee bit different. “HOW DARE YOU! I have more knowledge about dressing in my little paw then you have in your entire quiver Sag. Begone!” Sag darts out dodging mirrors from Leo’s vast collection being tossed out at her.

Virgo doesn’t respond just immediately becomes anorexic.

“Really? Really? I asked twelve people and weighed their responses very carefully. Then I asked twelve more – it took me twenty weeks to weigh everyone’s opinion of what I should do. How could it be wrong? Libra’s scales were wobbling back and forth with such a flurry Sag. thought a wind storm was in the offing.

Scorpio whipped off her dark glasses in a furor and starred silently into Sag’s soul with such unbridled fierceness that Sag. was terrified for a week.

“Yeah well your hair looks like a home for drug addicted weasels.”

“And your perfume smells like ‘Ode De Goat.'”

“Your shoes are left-overs from the Von Trapp Family AFTER the clomped over the Alps.”

Oh my – Sag. Vs. Sag. is an ugly sight.

Capricorn never looked up from her historical tome. Who cares about such nonsense as fashion? Sag. is so frivolous.

“Wow baby so you don’t like my duds. That is cool. Hey we are all brothers and sisters under the skin where it counts. Coverings are like so superficial. It is all good.” Insulting Aquarius was such a drag.

Pisces suddenly looked even sadder if that was indeed possible! “Oh I knew it would be terrible. I just can’t pick out clothes.” Pisces was so pathetic that for a minute Sag. said he would never insult another person again…or until another ugly dress came into view and the truth just had to be told.

The Astrology of Lobsters

Today I am writing to you from the shore of the Kennebunk River which feeds into the Atlantic Ocean up here in Maine. Maine – where you can sleep on the second floor with your windows open in August…where you fall asleep to the distant mournful call of the ever alert fog horns and wake up to the clanking of the ship bells. Maine – where you can start growing claws from eating fresh lobster but get all your antioxidants from the blueberries which are everywhere. Ah…..

It is here on the banks of the river that you can also see astrology in action. Every morning and every evening the tides rush to an recede from the shores – every 12 hours and 24 minutes without fail. When the tide is out the river basin is so exposed that you can actually walk across the rocky floor. When the tide comes in the water is so high it rises the boats that had been asleep on the rocks and you are lucky to get an inch or two into the river bed without falling to your hips in water. Cold water I might add – the water never heats up here even in August. 

That my dear friends is astrology in action. It is taken for granted even in the least spiritual circles (although I can’t account for birthers or non-evolutionists because who knows what goes on in their heads) that the Moon controls the tides. Let me repeat that – the Moon controls the tides.

We also get the word lunatic from the Latin for Moon –Luna– because people act oddly during the full Moon.  When I worked as a lobbyist for an engineering association many  button down collar, conservative  engineer types admitted that many nuclear power plants put extra security on during the full Moon because of the increased threats.

OK so the Moon controls the tides and our emotions. Why then is it so odd to think that the Sun influences our inner life force and Mercury our thought patterns and Mars our masculine warrior energy? Is it OK for the Moon to do things because we can’t help but prove it’s power over our lives so we have to accept it?
So many people who accept the concept of full Moon madness scoff at astrology without realizing how incongruous their argument.

Think about it – I know I will but first it is time for another lobster roll.