I have written before about Pluto and how it causes change and transforming by bringing out what is hidden into the light. As Pluto grinds slowly through the Zodiac moving from sign to sign it effects change on society in the areas dominated by that sign. In 2008, when Pluto moved into Capricorn, the sign associated with authoritarian structures of society, we saw the positive and shadow effects of this change. The banking system collapsed but we also elected our first African American president. Recently we have seen the secrets of the Penn State sports authorities whose horrible secrets finally came to light. The Wikileaks scandal is another example of Pluto and Capricorn in action.
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Mercury Retrograde on Election Day – I think I’ve Got It!
A few weeks ago I mentioned that Mercury will go retrograde on election day and the only other time it had done that was in the year 2000. Well, we all remembered what happened then! A lot of astrologers are saying we will have another close election with “hanging chads”. Sorry folks that is too easy. I know history repeats itself but it doesn’t duplicate itself for goodness sake.
I think the communication problems that always come about with a retrograde Mercury will surround itself around current Republican voter suppression tactics in swing States. Currently, the GOP leadership in Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania are doing their best to keep Hispanics, African Americans and the elderly off of the voting polls.
Even in current lawsuits are successful in stopping this outrage, there are going to be many people confused about what they need to bring and this is going to cause a ton of provisional ballots being cast. Provisional ballots are paper – they are sometimes hard to fill out. Also, how much you want to bet there won’t be enough to go around.
This is where Mercury will take its toll. Hopefully not enough to let these despicable tactics make a difference in the outcome but this is going to be the “paper chase of 2012.”
Ayn Rand The Social Security Accepting Atheist AKA the Darling of the Far Right
Yes, you know I will get around to doing a chart on Paul Ryan; I just have to get over my shock and amusement that Romney would pick a choice for VP worse than John McCain’s. However, because we know that Ryan is just in love with the author (whom he calls philosopher) Ayn Rand, I thought I would take a moment to take a look at beloved Ayn’s chart. After all she must have some kind of power if she could make the lunatic fringe love her so even though her life defied what they claim to hold so dear.
I have read “Atlas Shrugged” and “Fountainhead” and thought they were both pretty good novels. They are well written pieces of literature that kept my attention but I never thought to make them words to live by. I was even more shocked when people who somehow actually believe the Bible is a literal translation of the words of God would supersede that holy book with ones written by an avowed atheist.
That brings me to the first thing this chart tells me. That is, contrary to popular belief she really wasn’t an atheist. Her South Node is in Pisces in the 9th house. Pisces is the sign most connected to the “god source” and 9th house is the sign of spiritual searching. With the South Node conjuncting Juno, the goddess of loyalty, she spent many a life time dedicated to a spiritual pursuit.
I would argue that with her rising sign in Leo, the narcissist of the Zodiac, and her Sun in Aquarius the rebel in the 7th house – the house of intimate relationships, that SHE wanted a religion built up around herself. She was the god. It is just hysterical to me that these hyper-religious fanatics are trying to make this megalomaniac’s dream come true.
We can also see where her so called work ethic – that being I do it all for myself and screw you – comes into play. Look at her 6th house, the house of physicality and day to day work. First, it is opened by Capricorn, the archetypal paternal, authoritarian figure. She has five planets in this house, three of them in Capricorn. So her up from the boot-straps, do it yourself, buck up and too bad if you are sick, old are ill can be easily drawn from this placement.
Why then would she spend the last years of your life drawing on Social Security and Medicare? Didn’t I say she had Leo rising – the Narcissist, the ego-driven sign. She could write all she wanted about this we don’t need anyone clap-trap until Leo was faced with cancer, doctor’s bills and her own problems.
I have long held that the lunatic fringe wants a permanent underclass of people who remain poor, undereducated and hyper religious and who will believe anything thrown at them from “on high.” I doubt most of the Ryan devotees have ever read Rand or know anything about her life because that would require using the mind. What I do know is that somewhere Ayn Rand, is laughing herself silly over finally getting what her Leo always wanted – her own religion!
Hello Mars!
Mars is in the news today and for good reason! Curiosity made a picture perfect landing early this morning – congrats to NASA and Yankee technology.
So what is old Mars doing today? Well it is hanging out in the sky in the constellation of Libra conjuncting Saturn. You know I am sometimes a critic of Saturn – wrongly so I admit – but I am very glad he was visiting Mars during this critical landing. Saturn governs time, space, form and structure. It is the master of precision and doing things by the book – which is what NASA had to do to nail this landing. Saturn had a lot to do with making everything work according to rules and like clock work.
It is also funny that both planets are in the sign of Libra – the sign of cooperation and sharing with others. All of that hard work had to be well coordinated between divisions. A great deal of sharing of knowledge had to be perfected. Libra is a big on sharing!
So congratulations NASA and thanks Libra for helping them keep the flow of information going and a special thanks to Saturn for keeping that somewhat rambunctious Mars from potentially kicking off the lander as it had done before. 🙂
Hello Mars.
The Mitt-ster on Election Day
I hate to say it but Mitt Romney doesn’t have a hideous looking chart on Election Day. He has Mercury (the communicator) conjuncting his South Node in the 7th house – the house of intimate relationships with people so he could be doing some good reaching out that day. Not a bad thing for a politician on election day.
He does have an interception in the 6th and 12th houses. An interception is when there are two signs on one house cusp and means that there is some karmic balancing that is in need of going on. The signs involved here are Libra and Aries – and now this is the part that cracks me up. Basically what this means is the person failed to learn the lessons of brotherhood and true sharing in past lives. They failed to be of service, failed to recognize the needs of others. I kid you not! I don’t mess with the stars.
So it seems like the thing that will get Mitt is his snooty- corporations are people and I don’t need to give you tax returns – attitude.
This election kind of reminds me of 2000 when both Bush and Gore had pretty decent charts on election day but Bush had better karma. Now looks like karma is on the side of the donkey.
Aurora: I am not looking for answers in the Stars, I am looking at the Left. Yes, that is correct – the Left
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courtesy of arlenew.com |
I am in no mood to look at the planet alignment over Aurora, Colorado to try to find the malefics in place that would explain yet another shooting. Oh, I am sure they are there and I am also sure that if we found out the birth date of the shooter and the victims we would find some links….. Frankly, I am tired of looking for connections for shootings. I am sick and tired of it all.
I am also tired of my fellow progressives who might be inclined to light some candles, sing some songs and move on. There is nothing wrong with either candles or songs. I am a huge fan of both. What I am not enamored with is a weak Progressive movement that refuses to stand up to the gun lobby.
Yes, I know it is easier for corporations and the NRA to control members of the political right because if you tend to go right you ascribe to the more paternalistic, authoritarian structure and find it easier to follow rules set down from “on high.” Yes, I also know that those on the right are more prone to follow a dogmatic religion and tend to believe things no matter how far-fetched if they appear authoritarian. They will follow rules, stick together, not question and buy information without demanding a lot of evidence. I do have a degree in Political Science – I get that.
Now it is time for the Left to say we don’t care that the NRA and gun lobby can shout “Communism”, “Socialism” – words many of their undereducated followers haven’t a clue about their true definition. I don’t care that they can make placards saying, “Protect the Second Amendment” and know that thousands will rally around them even without a bit of historical knowledge about how it and why it was written.
Now it is time for the Left to come together, put down their candles and their lattes and say, dammit we want it to be illegal for a person to get 6000 rounds of ammunition off of the Internet. It is time for the Left to demand the reinstatement for the assault weapons ban. It is time for the Left to say if you call yourself a patriot then you should care that police officers are not sitting ducks out there.
We must cover the backs of our politicians by saying if you don’t support gun laws you won’t have our vote the same way the right says the opposite. We must call offices and write letters and make this an issue in this an every other election.
Lighting candles after another tragedy doesn’t do it anymore. We need to be proactive, demanding and mad as hell – and stay that way after the faces of the victims fade from the television screen.
Presidential Election – President Obama – part 2
Last week I spoke about the “girls” Venus and Lilith in the President’s 7th house and the strong influence women will play in this election.
Today we will look at the one of the boys – the strongest boy really Mars and his placement in the President’s tenth house conjunct Juno. Mars, the epitome of male unbridled energy, in the 10th house – the house of career and politics, is not a bad placement for election day. Coupled with Juno, the goddess of loyalty it makes my liberal little heart happy.
What makes me a bit nervous is that this Mars Juno conjuction is running in opposition to the Venus Lilith. Oppositions are difficult energies but they are not “bad” in themselves because we can over come these obstacles and reach great heights. To me this is a classic male/female battle with men going one way and women the other.
However, if the two stop fighting against one another they can deliver a great victory for the President. I think at the last minute the men will get on board and do just that.
I do believe the President will win and win a bit bigger than predicted. There is one more thing to look in the next blog entry and that is the interception of the 2 and 8th houses – money and power.
Election Day 2012 – continued “The Girls Rule”
As I mentioned last week, with Mercury going retrograde on Election Day – there can be any number of tricks going on – voting machines breaking down, funny “contracts” being made, deceptions galore. Remember the last time and only other time Mercury turned retro on Election Day – 2000? Need I say more?
That said there are several good things in President Obama’s chart on that day. On this triwheel of his birth chart, progressed chart and then transit chart of the day, I am first drawn to progressed Venus conjuncting his Black Moon Lilith in the 7th house – the house of close contacts. Venus, of course, is the ultimate woman, Lilith is the ultimate “bad girl.” She is the rebel who said I do it my way not his way. Those two combined in the fiery sign of Leo leads me to think alot of peeved women are going to come together and give the President a boost on that day!
However, this is squaring a very strong Mars in the 10th – the house of career and public. Now Mars (conjunct Juno) in the 10th is a good placement for the President – but when it squares his progressed Venus it makes me think that there will be a male -female battle that the women are going to have to win.
More on Mars next time.
Mercury Goes Retrograde on Election Day – Remember 2000?
Personally, I don’t see history repeating itself exactly but I would keep a very close eye on election machines and missing ballots and all sorts of things that can go bump in the Universe.
I am still comparing the candidates. Both have strengths and weaknesses that day. Romney has a few more weaknesses but one really good placement that has me a bit hinky. I need to look more closely but I just have to share the “good news.”
Making Friends With Saturn
Ok I know I have a hard time with Saturn. I have mentioned that before. He is often depicted as the old task master – the uber authoritarian figure. He is always well – just too darned Republican for me.
However, now that Saturn is in my first house – the house of personality and how I am perceived by the world I am going to have to face him – and even make friends with him.
Saturn may be a task master but he makes us pay attention to where he is – he makes us work on these issues to make them better. He points out where we are off the right track and urges us to get back on target.
Look at your chart. Where was Saturn when you were born? That house is where you are going to face issues that make you feel unsafe, insecure – where you are going to have to overcome feelings of inadequacy. I have never seen a chart with Saturn in the first house, for instance, where the person didn’t face some level of depression in their lifetime.
I was born with Saturn in the second – so I always need to feel financially safe. (Second house is how we stabilize our selves in the world – how we feel secure.) I hated being a consultant because my checks were not regular. I need to know what I have in the bank.
If it appears in the third house then there are issues of communications and education,. And so on….
Saturn like all of the other planets are always moving in the universe. Right now Saturn is transiting my first house. Were I prone to depression it might be a rough time. As it is, I feel the need to move inward. I am paying more attention to my body and how I put “myself out there.”
Yes Saturn is a pain but if we didn’t have someone pointing out where we need to improve where would we be.
Saturn will be in my first house for at least another 15 months. One thing I know if I don’t lose those last ten pounds now I will have no one to blame but myself and certainly not Saturn!