For Mitt – It is Those Dang Retrogrades

Poor Mitt – he can’t seem to keep his foot from staying permanently adhered to his tongue and lips. Blame it on Saturn. Well, actually it is Saturn in the 3rd House retrograde to be exact. A retrograde in your natal chart is a pause for karma. Someone born with a Saturn retrograde has had authority issues in the past. With Saturn in the 3rd we have a pretty good idea that his speech patterns were gloomy, negative and harsh and he was tough on friends and siblings. 
He is coming from a Sagittarius South Node which carries the karmic imprint of “I know” – I know all there is to know about most things – I just know. Combine that with Saturn being bossy and negative – you can see there was a bit of unpleasantness about his mannerisms. Let’s just say some karmic lessons take longer to learn and Mitt is a bit behind the learning curve on this one. He knows what he knows and he says it consequences be damned. 
Conjuncting his retro. Saturn is his retrograde Pluto. Pluto is all about power. With retro. Pluto in the 4th house – Mitt was all about exerting his power in the house and his neighborhood. Can you see the picture emerging? I know what is right for all of you in my sphere – I know how you should live and I am going to make sure you know in spades. In this life he somehow convinced his sickly wife to go through another Presidential campaign. I know what is right for us!
The problem isn’t the campaign it is Mitt sure as ever that he knows how to run his little family of campaigners! Until November 11, Neptune, the planet of illusion and delusion, is retrograded. For Mitt this retrograde is in his 10th house – the house of government. No one is going to be able tell him he is screwing up…..
And thank goodness for it!

Mitt’s Speech: Not Too Bad

I kind of hate to say it but the stars don’t look too bad for Mitt Romney for his speech before the RNC Convention.

He does have transiting Venus conjunct his progressed Ascendant in the 3rd house, the house of communication. The biggest problem he has is that he was born with retrograded Saturn in the 3rd house. That is just a karmic speech problem if you will and why he appears so tortured in public.  So he will do as well as he possibly can.

His big problem is transiting retrograde Chiron and Neptune conjuncting his Moon in the 10th house – the house of our social status and our careers. All of this brings an air of unreality, an inability to connect emotions. He will deliver a nice, automated speech devoid of belief and feeling oh yes and facts. Neptune Moon adds a huge air of deception to what he will be saying.

With Uranus and Mercury being close he might actually slip and say something he believes. I doubt it – it is all too scripted. Well we can only hope.

Akin and Armstron- More Victims of Pluto in Capricorn?

I have written before about Pluto and how it causes change and transforming by bringing out what is hidden into the light. As Pluto grinds slowly through the Zodiac moving from sign to sign it effects change on society in the areas dominated by that sign.  In 2008, when Pluto moved into Capricorn, the sign associated with authoritarian structures of society, we saw the positive and shadow effects of this change. The banking system collapsed but we also elected our first African American president.  Recently we have seen the secrets of the Penn State sports authorities whose horrible secrets finally came to light. The Wikileaks scandal is another example of Pluto and Capricorn in action.

This week when his ludicrous statements about rape went viral, I thought again about Pluto. Congressman Todd Atkins’ comments were not accidental slips of the tongue; he was honestly voicing the beliefs held by the far right which now has the GOP in a death grip.  These concepts of “legitimate” or “forcible” rape have been kicking around the GOP for years. Indeed, the current GOP Vice Presidential nominee cosponsored a piece of legislation using the words “forcible rape.” Their secret anti-woman agenda was now out in the open and ripe for public scrutiny.

A few days later we learned that once beloved Lance Armstrong finally gave up his anti-doping crusade and was stripped of his titles. Another icon falls due to secrets now exposed.

Pluto is going to hang around in Capricorn until 2023 so there will be a lot more icons and pillars of society that will see their secrets come out. How far this will go is anyone’s guess. The last time Pluto hit this sign we saw the French and American revolutions. The uprisings in the Middle East are current signs of this societal angst against oppressive regimes.

Revolution will not ferment throughout every society but these secrets will keep coming out and toppling the once venerated who are rotting from within.

Ayn Rand The Social Security Accepting Atheist AKA the Darling of the Far Right

Yes, you know I will get around to doing a chart on Paul Ryan; I just have to get over my shock and amusement that Romney would pick a choice for VP worse than John McCain’s. However, because we know that Ryan is just in love with the author (whom he calls philosopher) Ayn Rand, I thought I would take a moment to take a look at beloved Ayn’s chart. After all she must have some kind of power if she could make the lunatic fringe love her so even though her life defied what they claim to hold so dear.

 I have read “Atlas Shrugged” and “Fountainhead” and thought they were both pretty good novels. They are well written pieces of literature that kept my attention but I never thought to make them words to live by. I was even more shocked when people who somehow actually believe the Bible is a literal translation of the words of God would supersede that holy book with ones written by an avowed atheist.

That brings me to the first thing this chart tells me. That is, contrary to popular belief she really wasn’t an atheist. Her South Node is in Pisces in the 9th house. Pisces is the sign most connected to the “god source” and 9th house is the sign of spiritual searching. With the South Node conjuncting Juno, the goddess of loyalty, she spent many a life time dedicated to a spiritual pursuit.

I would argue that with her rising sign in Leo, the narcissist of the Zodiac, and her Sun in Aquarius the rebel in the 7th house – the house of intimate relationships, that SHE wanted a religion built up around herself. She was the god. It is just hysterical to me that these hyper-religious fanatics are trying to make this megalomaniac’s dream come true.

We can also see where her so called work ethic – that being I do it all for myself and screw you – comes into play. Look at her 6th house, the house of physicality and day to day work. First, it is opened by Capricorn, the archetypal paternal, authoritarian figure. She has five planets in this house, three of them in Capricorn. So her up from the boot-straps, do it yourself, buck up and too bad if you are sick, old are ill can be easily drawn from this placement.

Why then would she spend the last years of your life drawing on Social Security and Medicare? Didn’t I say she had Leo rising – the Narcissist, the ego-driven sign. She could write all she wanted about this we don’t need anyone clap-trap until Leo was faced with cancer, doctor’s bills and her own problems.

 I have long held that the lunatic fringe wants a permanent underclass of people who remain poor, undereducated and hyper religious and who will believe anything thrown at them from “on high.”  I doubt most of the Ryan devotees have ever read Rand or know anything about her life because that would require using the mind. What I do know is that somewhere Ayn Rand, is laughing herself silly over finally getting what her Leo always wanted – her own religion!

It is the karma Mitt

Sometimes Astrology makes me laugh out loud. I can’t “predict” who is going to win Michigan tonight mostly because we don’t have a full chart on Santorum. (Since he doesn’t have a full deck to play with I guess that is fair.) However, and this is what made me laugh, looking at Mitt Romney’s current situation it seems that he is dealing with a bit of karma.

I know triwheels can be confusing – but what this is showing is his birth chart way in the center, his progressed planets – how they have moved since he was born – and the big wheel on the outside is current planet placements in the sky. Just look at the 12th house, it is opened by Aries, but then Taurus comes in and intercepts it. (I am working with the cusp wheel – the thin wheel running around the outside.) All interceptions show a pause for karma.

So right now he is dealing with karma around Aries and the 12th house and Libra and the 6th house. Libra intercepted on the 6th house means that is now dealing with karma around being of proper service to people in the past. So even in the past he was polishing his cars instead of being taking care of his fellow Man and now it is coming home to roost. Aries intercepted on the 12th points to someone who was too involved with self and not with “the brotherhood of Man.”

It seems he can’t help talking about his wealthy life – he can’t help showing his disconnect right now. This phase will pass by mid March – will it be too late? Will he be able to make amends for all the dopey, snobby things he is saying now? I don’t know but I do know that this is a lovely manifestation of karma in action!

Rick Santorum – Taurus South Node

OK. I know several people have asked me to look at Rick Santorum’s birth chart. The problem is that his birth time is not public. Birth time is key to determining what the rising sign is and that tells us what the personality traits are of a person and it places the planets in the correct houses. I refuse to do a full chart based on a birth time of noon which is what is done when the time is unknown.  It just won’t be accurate.

However, we can learn a few things just by knowing the place and date of birth. Santorum has a South Node in Taurus and North in Scorpio. In general someone with this past life – current life access is someone who needs to find their personal power; they must face some kind of fear or even near death experience. They must go into the fire of life and be transformed by it. Taurus is epitomized by security at all costs, Scorpio loves the risk even the risk of death.

Coming from lives with a Taurus influence he only knows how to rely on his “gut instinct.” Stability and all that it represents – a “good” family, a dogmaticeee religion, safety, security are essential. He has to feel safe – he needs to be wrapped in the security blanket of life. Scorpio is pushing him to put himself out there – break the safety net but it is hard. Therefore, he wants to bring that blanket with him when he faces the world.

One of the shadows of a Taurus South Node is unbridled stubbornness. Is there anything more immovable than a bull?  So you will see him doubling down on his rather bizarre world and social views because they represent comfort to him. They are his Linus blanket.

At some point, in this life or the next or the next…you get my drift – something will happen that will force him out of his shell and open him up to face the world without that blanket but if and when is anyones guess.

Mitt Romeny – Uranus and Gemini In The First

I assume I will be talking a lot about Mitt in 2012. Although my progressive heart would love to see Newt as the GOP nominee I do think they will eventually nominate a beaten and bruised Romney.

One knock on Mitt is his shall we say flexibility. He has the amazing talent to be all things to all people – liberal governor of Massachusetts and author or “Romneycare” or conservative businessman. He adapts for the occasion.

Well no wonder! He has as an ascendant or rising sign – Gemini, the sign of duality and the twins. The ascendant is how we present ourselves to the world. Remember, in the ancient days the Sun Sign was a triviality. Who you were was determined mostly by the first house – the ascendant. This is a much better way of doing Astrology than the modern fascination with the Sun.

Also, in his first is wild and crazy Uranus, the electric, quick change artist! How can he not be a chameleon! His first house is all about change and duality…perfect for a politician but not in the days of instant replay when the many opinions can be played against one another.

Stay tuned…