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Category: Evolutionary Astrology
There is a correlation between our inner being and the vast universe. Evolutionary Astrology illuminates your current life Soul-intent while analyzing and reviewing past life gifts and blockages. Because the Soul is the most profound level of our being, it produces the widest and most meaningful context for direction in our lives. As the old saying goes, you can’t know where you are going if you don’t know where you have been. I provide the “a ha” moments as you uncover subconscious blockages and bring latent gifts to life. No matter how many times we reincarnate we are never the same person again – make the most of each life – live a life that is most in tuned with the universe and nourishes your soul most deeply.
Hillary – Part 2
Several people commented to me about last week’s blog entry regarding Hillary Clinton and the 2016 Election. In it, I said that with a North Node in Taurus it might not be in her best interests to run because that is the Node which is searching for peace, stability and calm. Of course, you could argue that she is the type of person who can find those things in the White House. Again, I don’t like to pass judgement on this big soul issues. The question that was asked of me was basically, if she runs will she win.
We are hampered by not knowing the exact time of her birth. Some astrologers are using a time around 8 AM because there is some talk that her mother went to the hospital late at night and said Hillary was born around 8. That time gives her a Scorpio ascendant and a stellium (five or more planets) in Scorpio in the 12th and 1st houses. Hillary exhibits many Scorpio traits such as determination, secretiveness and strength.
Should Hillary Run?
Okay, I know the frenzy about who should be the new president two seconds after the current one is inaugurated is silly but it did get me thinking about Hillary Clinton’s chart. We don’t know what time she was born and for my purposes today that is not all that important. What is so interesting to me about her chart is her nodal axis. You know that as a karmic astrologer I am a freak about the north and south nodes. The north nodes is where we are going toward in this lifetime – and the south node is where we are coming from in the past.
Regardless of what time she as born, Hillary Clinton has a south node in Scorpio and a north in Taurus. Someone with this axis is coming from a past life that was full of drama and pathos. Scorpios just love to immerse themselves in the deep intrigues of life. Life and death battles are the juice they feed on. Of course, she has seen her share of drama in this life too.
However, with a north node in Taurus, she needs to move away from the drama and find stability and security in the world. Scorpio wants the fight while Taurus likes to be in the pasture, carefree and peaceful. The big lessons Taurus north node people is how to find personal safety. They need to leave the drama behind.
Can you leave drama behind as President of the United States? I doubt it. I am not one to judge whether a person gets into their north node or how they should do it. However, I do know that if she decides not to run she will be heading the call of the universe instead of the call of her supporters. Is that a better path? Only she knows for sure.
Jupiter About to Go Direct
Jupiter has been in retrograde for a while but fear not – she will go direct again on January 30 in Gemini. Jupiter in Gemini brings about a spewing of words! Think about Jupiter is the expansionist planet – the big one that makes everything it touches large. Now combine that with Gemini the communicator and this is generally a good time to discuss issues, solutions etc. However, when Jupiter turns retrograde it is like those words are not connecting, we are all talking beyond ourselves.
Jupiter will remain direct until June 25 so this is a good time for consensus building and coming to agreements with our words and not just talking to look smarter or better or to confuse with our words. I hope Congress uses this time to build consensus- they have no excuse to be flapping their gums just to spew discord now.
She will stay close to Vesta, the asteroid of dedication and Lilith, the rebel all in the 12th. All of this “girl energy” in the house of secrets and working behind the scenes makes this a good time for women to work together to further their causes.
This weekend I participated in the March for Gun Control here in Washington and there was a lot of talk about making gun control the next big woman’s issue. YES – this is the time for that! Maybe the time is finally here for the woman to band together and force Congress to get assault weapons and body piercing armor off of our streets! Come on Jupiter – we need you.
Inauguration Day!
Uranus in Aries –
Another Shift – Uranus Moved Into Aries
All of the major outer planets have shifted from one constellation to another since 2008 – and you were wondering why we all feel a little off balanced!
One of the most fascinating – and potentially dangerous shifts is for the rebellious planet of Uranus’ move into Aries, the sign that is the archetype of raw, male energy. Uranus hates stagnation – it loves to shake things up and throw out the old and the stale.
Using that Aries energy to shake off things about yourself that you don’t like – to really make New Year’s resolutions stick. If you feel like you are “jumping out of your skin” to change and do something – go with it. Look at your chart and see where Uranus is by natal placement and by transit and then get to work on those areas.
However, when you combine rebellion and unbridled male energy you can sometimes get dire results. Sadly, especially when it is squaring Pluto as Uranus is now, we might see more Aurora’s – more Newtown’s. People pushing others onto subway tracks – people acting out are all the shadow of this placement.
Lunar Nodes: Guide to Your Past Life and Current Soul’s Desires with Astrologer Joan Porte
Pluto and Juno Together With the Sun Right Now
This holiday week we have a funky conjunction in the sky. Pluto, the Sun and Juno are all in conjunction in the sign of Capricorn. I said funky, I should have said a confusing conjunction. Pluto and the Sun together brings and energy to changing ourselves; to “focus like a laser beam” on making ourselves into the person we always wanted to be. Capricorn is a sign that is all about doing things by the book. Develop a plan and follow it to the letter is what Capricorn is good at. So you can see this is a pretty good placement to have at the end of the year when we are working on resolutions and promising to be better in the New Year.
Juno thrown into the picture is a bit odd. Juno and the Sun together is intense loyalty toward a relationship. Juno was the consort goddess in mythology. In the best of worlds this is a good time to work on your relationship with another person together – what can WE do to change to make this relationship work together. Of course, this could disintegrate into well I am doing this what are YOU doing? However, let’s be positive about this and see it as a time to work together to make things work better for both.
Happy New Year.
“End of the World” Chart
Oh come on you knew I was going to have to do it. Apparently the Mayans predicted the end of the world at 4:12 AM MST December 21, 2012. Please don’t ask me how they knew about time zones…but I guess if you can predict the end of the world, time zones are a snap.
We don’t have much time to quibble about such details now do we. Anyway, this is a pretty drab chart. I mean you would think the end of the world would be loaded with 8th house planets – that house being the house of death, change and transformation and all. But the only thing there is Ceres the Earth Mother, nurturer. Not exactly the Grim Reaper is she.
Saturn is transiting the 12th house – the house where we connect to “god” – and Saturn is all about doing things by the book so perhaps the Mayans were trying to tell us it is a good time to be more serious about our spirituality. That isn’t a bad idea in light of the madness of recent weeks.
Scorpio will be rising and that is the sign that vibrates to the 8th house so this is a good time to set some good spiritual practices in place. However, nothing else here tells me that we should all be spending our last dollar and dancing our last jig — or procrastinating with Christmas shopping any longer.